Tag: News

Use It or Lose It

The MRC study confirms what we knew to be true already: There is a war against conservative and religious speech… For many years I’ve said that, when it comes to America, I’m more concerned with the absence of light than…

Almost the Entire World Condemns Israel

Israel is slaughtering unarmed men! Israel is killing women and children! Israel is butchering babies! It’s time for the world to condemn this genocidal nation! As I wrote in my last column, things are falling into place just as scripted by…

Victims of Abortionist Robert Rho

For Robert Rho, destroying tiny lives was all in a day’s work. He performed so many abortions, more than 40,000, that one more death probably seemed insignificant — until 2016, when that death was one of his 30-year-old patients.  …

Color or Ideology?

One of my friends is a black pastor. He is also a conservative Republican. As a result of his political views, he has been told by many of his friends that he is not black enough. And that leads to…

A Case for Federal Troops in California

San Diego County Supervisor Dianne Jacob declared that California has turned into a rogue state. The main issue of contention rests on California’s “Sanctuary State” law. Also known as SB 54, the law prohibits local and state law enforcement from…

Hillary’s Machine of War and Destruction

There is no doubt that Hillary Clinton was, in the U.S. presidential election in 2016, the candidate of Wall Street, which is the backbone of the American financial system. She was also the favorite candidate of the largest U.S. capitalist…

Women’s Group Lobbies for Sex Work

There are some issues that decent people should all agree on — like ending child slavery or sex trafficking. Unfortunately, the Women’s March (a loose collection of extremists that now act as an organization) doesn’t share those same standards. Instead,…

Humanitarian Imperative, a Tool of Satan?

The United Nations has declared that humanitarian assistance is a basic right. Now, providing aid is being regulated. The International Committee of the Red Cross, or I.C.R.C., and the United Nations have codified how and under what conditions, humanitarian relief…