Tag: News

A One World Religion & New World Order

On Sunday Pope Francis told hundreds of thousands of young people gathered for World Youth Day in Poland that they need to “believe in a new humanity” and that they should refuse “to see borders as barriers.” Every two or…

Congressional Black Corruption

By Michelle Malkin “The con artists inside your own communities are your own worst enemies” If Black Lives Matter, then why have entrenched members of the Congressional Black Caucus spent more time enriching themselves than taking care of their neglected…

“Day of Rage” July 15th

While I firmly believe that we are being distracted and manipulated so that we stop paying attention to the machinations and corruption of presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, the fact remains that being anywhere near these protests greatly increases the chance that…

Chemical Castration

A decree authorizing chemical castration for convicted child sex offenders has been signed by Indonesian president, Joko Widodo, requires those released on bail to wear electronic monitoring devices. The decree also increased jail sentences from 10 years to 20 years. Mr Joko…

Complete Corporate World Takeover

(Paul Craig Roberts)  As I have emphasized since these “partnerships” were first announced, their purpose is to give corporations immuity from the laws in the countries in which they do business. The principle mechanism of this immunity is the granting…