Tag: religion

Conjecture and Speculation Characterize Evolution

A common quibble laid at the feet of Christians  is that they are not qualified to speak about scientific matters relating to the creation/evolution controversy.  Yet in typical  fashion,  evolutionists do not hold themselves to the same standards.  In “How to Debate a…

Protecting Religious Freedom.

Liberals are up in arms over a possible executive order from President Donald Trump protecting religious freedom. A draft copy of the executive order was leaked to LGBT groups and liberal media outlets in an attempt to prevent the president…

Islam: The Opposite of Freedom

When Keith Ellison of Minnesota became the first Muslim American elected to Congress he took the oath to defend our Constitution using a Quran that once belonged to Thomas Jefferson.   Can one swear on the Quran to defend a Constitution that…

America Adrift Without a Rudder

There is no doubt that America today is adrift. We are a ship without a rudder, compass, or even a goal. We do not know where we are going because we have forgotten from where we came. It is impossible to be…

Honor Killings and Islamic Law

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) launched a satellite television channel “OIC” to counter Islamophobia, the prejudice against and the “irrational fear of Islam or Muslims.  That should be really interesting.   Why would anyone in America fear Sariah law or…

Miracles, Absent The Miracle Maker

Naturalism is the philosophical belief that everything arises from natural properties and cause;  natural laws are the rules that govern the structure and behavior of the natural universe; and,  the changing universe, at every stage, is a product of these…

Daily Rant: Hating Sin And Loving Sinners

By Roseann Salanitri “Hate the sin; love the sinner,” is a popular Christian saying. It’s unfortunate that the phrase has been perverted. Today it has become a mantra better used by the enemies of Christianity than by Christians. The perversion…


History is selectively taught and I can almost guarantee that nowhere in our children’s history books is written the truth of our nation’s founding. The Black Robe Regiment was a name the British bestowed upon the clergy during the American Revolution.    They  saw…

One Million Souls Up In Heaven

Each year over one million babies are aborted in the U.S. These children are not just an unwanted collection of cells growing in the mother’s womb —  they are the collective culmination of generations of two separate family trees brought…

Agenda 2 – Masters Of Deceit

  Description: Documentary examines the promotion of Islam to the propaganda of climate change, from the deceit of Common Core to the manufactured economic crisis, and from the manipulation of the Evangelical Church to the unsustainable debt burden.   AGENDA…

Go Back Where You Came From

(CNSNews.com) —  “We should be afraid of sharia law” in America, and Muslims here who want to practice sharia should go back to where they came from,  “to those nations that recognize sharia law,” said Rev. Franklin Graham, head of…

Why Science and Religion Are Compatible

PJTV viewer Digging4Information asks Bill Whittle & Andrew Klavan about the relationship between science, faith and religion. Are science and religion at war with each other, or perfectly compatible? Klavan argues that faith has never been at war with religion,…