Tag: RINOs

With RINOs Like McConnell

According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, McConnell Casts Ukraine Vote as Victory over Republican Party’s Isolation Wing, during a big media tour McConnell not only praised Biden’s foreign policy, but virulently attacked the “Isolation Wing” of…

RINOs on Parade

Another group of Me-Too anti-Trump RINOs have joined ranks with the Lincoln Project to assure Democrats take over the Presidency in 2020.     Republican Voters Against Trump launched a $10 million ad campaign targeting GOP-leaning voters in top swing states…

Me-Too Republicans

With the election fast approaching it is time to look at the enemies of freedom and trust me; those enemies are not always the far left. The Lincoln Project Super Pac  is an American political action committee formed in late…

Carbon Tax in a RINO Wrapper

While the left normally takes the blame for the climate change hoax, there are many Republicans also chomping at the bit to screw taxpayers out of their hard earned money.   Republican Senator John McCain and Democrat Senator Joe Lieberman…

Republicans Push Carbon Taxes

“Madness is rare in individuals, but in groups, parties, nations, and ages it is the rule.”  Friedrich Nietzsche Sometimes smart people can be astonishingly ignorant, and self-serving.  Not that an environmental policy as a tool of wealth redistribution is new…

Hypocrisy Of The Left

By Roseann Salanitri The hypocrisy of the left is legendary but it is often eclipsed by the sanctimony of the right. Donald Trump’s latest verbal faux pa and the reactions it inspired is the case in point. As vulgar and…

RINOcrats and Democrats

A majority of Americans are either ill-informed, uneducated, delusional, foolish, feel entitled or are just plain lazy to the point where they will continue to vote for the Party or candidate they feel will give them more and more free stuff.…

Cruz Tells It Like It Is

Last week, Senator Ted Cruz tore apart the Republican leadership, criticizing them for their continual surrender to Barack Obama. Finally, someone not afraid to tells it like it is.  According to Cruz, there  is a reason why Americans are fed…

It’s Better To Go Down Fighting

Is there a new conservative playbook for the 2016 elections? If we follow New Hampshire’s lead, for the first time in many years conservatives may actually have a voice in the presidential nominee. Sick of the string of centrist GOPers…

Unserious People

Published on Dec 8, 2012 Bill Whittle worries that President Obama and Senate Democrats like Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) are simply not serious about remedying the national balance sheet. Even worse, academics and the liberal news media are providing…

Stop Feeding The RINOs

“I’d rather have a loyal dog who licks me than one with a pedigree who bites  me,” he added. “I’d rather go to battle with someone who isn’t perfect than with  someone who thinks he is.”  Mike Huckabee According to…