Tag: science

When Science Becomes a Religion

Science, and the technology it breeds, is a dominating force in our culture. While science has extended our lives and made them more comfortable, its success also tempts us to place more value in it than it deserves. As a…

Stifling the Debate

As with misinformation, labeling someone who disagrees with the current flavor of the day as a denier has become endemic amongst the woke. Covid denier, climate denier, election denier, science denier – all bandied about to end debate, tar differences…

Reconciling Faith and Science

One of the greatest tragedies of our times is the impression that science and religion have to be at war.  Francis Collins Science is a very powerful method of gaining and applying knowledge. While it has a large domain, it…

Evidence for Creation

What shapes our world outlook?  Where do ideas come from?  To what can we attribute our biases and our perspectives? Man would prefer to credit analytic thinking as the basis of our beliefs since it is the faculty that distinguishes…

Life After Death

Is there life after death? Is it possible to even know if there is anything beyond the grave? Most scientists would probably say that the concept of an afterlife is either nonsense, or at the very least unprovable.  Professor Robert…

God Created Man

In today’s world, the theory of evolution, environmentalism, atheism,  social justice, and whatever man-made religion you can think of,  has become the modern-day god of the educated and the uneducated.   Science has become an enemy of Christianity by those who seek to discredit the Bible and destroy…

Orphan Genes Defy Evolution Theory

Evolutionists claim there is a bridge between man and the apes, the hypothetical [mythological] ape-like ancestor of both. But in reality, no one actually knows what a missing link is because, well, it’s missing!  We’ve never seen one. Which is…

The Missing Link is Still Missing!

In May of 2009, paleontologist Jorn Hurum, led the team that analyzed a 47 million year old fossil, dubbed Ida, which he claimed represented “the closest thing we can get to a direct ancestor.” Also among the team was Philip…

Life Is Not An Accident!

The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, published in 2006, was an attempt to disprove the existence of God. To his dismay, however, the book did more to prove what a vile, contemptuous human being Dawkins actually is.  Dawkins claims the…

Creation Is The Art of God

A number of recent books and articles claim that science has disproved the very existence of God.  It stands to reason that since we know so much about how the universe works – they insist God is unnecessary. There is…

Pantheism and the Meaning of God

Michio Kaku, an American theoretical physicist, was quoted in an article as saying he had found definite proof of the existence of God.  To come to this conclusion, the article said that Kaku had used what he called the “primitive…

Evolution Is Not A Fact of Science

With more than 5000 fossils or fossil fragments of apes, chimps, and humans allegedly showing stages of human evolution, which ape-like animal had enough human characteristics for us to say “this one has just crossed the boundary from ape to…