Tag: self-defense

Media Betrayal

We learn more when we listen than when we speak. I sat with some young lawyers who are far smarter than I am. After a while, they politely asked about my interests, and then asked me about mass murder with…

We are Now Choosing Between Guns and Words

The authors of the Bill of Rights created the Second Amendment(1) for a purpose.  They wanted politicians to treat The People as equals despite the great strength of The Federal Government.  President Obama’s anti-gun proposals restrict the already weak right…

Gun-Control is Wrong for This World

Everyone has their own perspective, but some beliefs are more accurate than others. That is certainly true about gun-control. Do we have too little gun-control, or too much? Do we have too few firearms regulations or too many? Our answers…

The Right to Self-Defense

On June 27, in the case of Castle Rock v. Gonzales, the Supreme Court found that Jessica Gonzales did not have a constitutional right to police protection even in the presence of a restraining order. By a vote of 7-to-2,…