Murder, Inc. Claims Sex Education Is The Cure For Rape!

sexedIt shouldn’t surprise anyone that Planned Parenthood is lining up at the ObamaCare trough, but it should stun everyone that Congress is letting them.

The Obama administration announced that ObamaCare will be funneling millions more dollars to Planned Parenthood clinics to help promote the health care law (abortion). Rep Diane Black of Tennessee said that “Planned Parenthood is among the long list of liberal organizations that are expected to receive taxpayer-funded navigator grants.  The navigator grants would further enable Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America, to continue its misuse of taxpayer dollars to [supplement] their big abortion business.”  ObamaCare also opens up a new channel for even more taxpayer money through its “community health centers.”

Planned Parenthood, the government’s favorite purveyor of pornographic sex education and the murderer of millions of unborn babies,  recently showed their disdain for anything decent when they posted a response, on their facebook page,  to a story of a 13-year-old girl being raped.  According to PP, their perverted version of “sex education is the cure for rape.”   

Try telling that to the girl –   a ninety-five-pound little girl who was forcibly raped in a car – that sex education could have made a difference in preventing what happened to her.  It was not the girl’s lack of sexual education, but the man’s lack of any semblance of humanity that is fully and completely to blame.  According to the Guttmacher Institute, in Indiana hundreds of girls aged fourteen and under become pregnant each year –  most of which are the results of child molestation.

PP’s version of sex education which has probably provoked more assaults than it prevents, has a long history of covering up statutory rape especially in Bloomington and Indianapolis.

But should we expect any less from a business that makes its money murdering innocent babies?  More rapes – more indoctrination of  young children on how to have sex – more pregnancies – more money in their pocket.

If more sex education is the answer, why does Indiana have the second highest teen sexual assault rate in the country considering that PP’s presence in Indiana is double the national average?   Good question. But a better one is this: why does the government insist on funding an organization that is not only partially responsible for — but complicit in — this culture of abuse?

Thanks to liberal politicians obsessed with sex, dismissive of childhood innocence, and determined  to destroy lives, both born and unborn, in America the crime of statutory rape and incest has recently become easier to hide by covering the crime with Plan B abortifacients, available to females of any age.  

Source:  FRC

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