America’s Shadow Government

000With the election of Obama in 2008, and members of the Shadow Party playing central roles, the White House began to roll out an ideological agenda that included many of George Soros’ signature “concerns.”

Only a few days into Obama’s reign, Soros stated “I think we need a large stimulus package which will provide funds for state and local government to maintain their budgets – because they are not allowed by the constitution to run a deficit.  For such a program to be successful, the federal government would need to provide hundreds of billion of dollars. . .”

Soon thereafter, Obama pressured Congress to pass a monumental $787 billion economic-stimulus bill with a text of 1,071 pages which few, if any, legislators read before passing.  This stimulus package was based on the radical precept of using social crisis to create radical change, which the Alinskyite groups in Obama’s background had made into a theorem and which chief of staff Rahm Emanuel made into an aphorism: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”

It was the first of many payoffs to key Shadow Party elements such as public sector unions to allow them to remain strong for future elections.  The stimulus was also loaded with spending projects Democrats had been unable to fund for years.  It  amounted to an opening bid to radically transform American capitalism by channeling populist anger at Wall Street toward support for an expansionist vision of the welfare state based on “social justice” – leftist code for redistribution of wealth.

Cape and trade, Obama’s tax-based policy proposal to reduce America’s consumption of fossil fuels was a strategy that had been discussed and perfected in the nonprofits associated with the Shadow Party. Soros explained that C&T would go a long way in “Dealing with global warming” and needed a lot of investment.  It would be “painful” but it would enable mankind to “survive and not cook.” (You read it right).  Obama explained that “under my plan. . ., electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. . .”

The principal underlying Cap and Trade was articulated by Obama’s “regulatory czar” Cass Sunstein, a leftist law professor and long time proponent of “distributive justice” (leftist code for redistribution of wealth), whereby America would give her wealth to poorer nations as compensation for  harm America had inflicted on them.

Socialized health care was another Soros agenda.  He had supported HillaryCare and when it failed, his “Project on Death in America” failed to gain much traction.

By the early 1990s Soros had become bosom buddies with Bill and Hillary claiming they “worked together as a team.”  ( I have no doubt about that).   He had his own health care reform proposal that he had been supporting through the Open Society Institute that he thought was compatible with HillaryCare.  Soros’  “Project on Death”, was what he saw as compassionate care – enabling hospices and palliative care to ration medical care to terminal and seriously ill patients who were a burden on the system. His Project became the basis for what many refer to as the “Death Panel” in ObamaCare.

Obama’s hard-line toward Israel is the foreign policy that most reflects Soros view of the world beyond Washington.  Just as Soros perceived American policies to have provoked the anti-American jihad and the 9/ll attacks, he saw Israel as a principal source of anti-Semitism.  He referred to Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians as a case of the “victims turning prosecutors.”

In 2008, Soros, a Jew himself, funded J Street, a Middle East advocacy group, to counter what he regarded as a malignant “conservative”  group – the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).  While 80% of the members of the AIPAC are Democrats, they are not the kind of Democrats that Soros prefers.

Soros initially tried to hide his support of J Street but in 2010 The Washington Times revealed that from 2008-2010 Soros and his two children – Jonathan and Andrea – had given a total of $750,000 to J Street and that the organization’s Advisory Council included a number of individuals with close ties to Soros.

It was Soros who advised Obama to undercut Mubarak, an ally of sorts for the last 40 years, and to open the door to the Muslim Brotherhood, a jihadist cult that spawned at least twelve terrorist organizations, including al-Qaeda and Hamas.

In a Washington Post op-ed, during the early stages of the Arab Spring, Soros wrote that Obama should “move out in front” and support elections in Egypt. “The main stumbling block is Israel. . .Fortunately, Obama is not beholden to the religious right, which has carried on a veritable vendetta. . .”

The Shadow Party is far more than a reflection of the prejudices of one special interest or one passing generation.  The Shadow Party has united the forces of the radical and liberal left while expelling moderates from the Democratic Party coalition.

It is a movement that is the incarnation of a socialist movement that has been at war with the free market economy and the political system based on liberty and individual rights for more than 200 years.  It is a movement that has learned to conceal its ultimate goal – a totalitarian state, in the seductive rhetoric of “progressivism” and “social justice.”

The Shadow Government, in its zeal for state power and government control as the solution to social problems, along with its antagonism to America as a defender of freedom, are the tell-tale signs of a radical movement whose agenda is to change fundamentally and unalterably the way Americans live.

Source:  From Shadow Party To Shadow Government by David Horowitz and John Perazzo


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