Month: September 2013

War and the Blame Game

U.S. likes to periodically rotate dictators By Ron Hart – JWR President Obama bowed up last year and said he had a “red line” he would not allow Syria to cross. As a result, and with his massive ego at…

Fake Ethics, Fake Journalism

The Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics states that “journalists should remain free of associations or activities that may compromise integrity or damage credibility.”  Guess that went the way of ethics in government! Columbia University’s School of Journalism,  defines…

Middle East “WACO”

By Douglas J. Hagmann – homelandsecurity 3 September 2013:  Events are now moving rapidly to accomplish the next step in the agenda of the globalists that will lead us into the unimaginable horrors of World War III. With each passing day,…

ObamaCare Doomsday Express

The ObamaCare Doomsday Express  is fast approaching.  In a few short months, your life will change forever.  Forget keeping that nice insurance package through your employer and just be grateful you have a job, even if its been reduced to part-time,…

Bill Clinton’s Smoke

“We must push open those stubborn gates. A great democracy does not make it harder to vote than to buy an assault weapon. We must open those stubborn gates.” Bill Clinton at the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s…

Freedoms Lost

Your Papers, Citizen Gun Control and the Changing American Character By Fred Reed A staple of  American self-esteem is that we Yanks are brave, free, independent, self-reliant,  ruggedly individual, and disinclined to accept abuse from anyone. This was largely  true…

Abortions So Easy A Child Can Do It

The back-alley/clothes hanger crowd is showing their true colors. Seems as  long as a baby dies, they don’t care who kills it. The truth is, if hangers were the only option, the pro-choice enthusiasts  would train someone to do it,…

Defund Obamacare – Sign the Petition Now

Obamacare: The Nightmare of your life. Time is running out: Sign The Petition – Tell Congress Don’t Fund It! Why should you sign the petition? Donald Trump explains: Let me get this straight….  We’re going to be “gifted” with a…