Day: February 19, 2014

The Bogey-Man Cometh, Again

The Obamaites are circling the wagons to fight off those dreaded global warming skeptics while calling for a renewed war on warming and mayhem. On top of his war against coal, Obama has ordered the EPA and the Department of…

The Lies Keep Getting Bigger

  God promises that we will always have four seasons. “While earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22 Unfortunate for us, we have elected a bunch of…

Army Trains for Martial Law February 15, 2014 A mock small town Christian steeple sits among the martial law training infrastructure. The federal government has been in a big hurry to build a 300 acre city in just 2 years at an expense…

Virtue is gorgeous.

My Beautiful Woman: The Most Powerful Pro-Life Video You’ve Ever Seen Wacoal, a Thai lingerie company, is redefining beauty with its “Beauty Inside” campaign.