Month: June 2014

BO ‘vs’ America: A Glaring Contrast

Here’s an extensive comparison of quotes from our founding fathers…and Barack Obama John Adams: “The consequences arising from the continual accumulation of public debts in other countries ought to admonish us to be careful to prevent their growth in our own.”…

“Another Way To Skin A Cat”

After Cap and Trade failed to attract even modest traction in Democratic controlled Congress, Obama said that “it was just one way to skin the cat.” Now we know that the cat he referenced was the American consumers as he…

Exposing the Truth behind Common Core

Have you heard about Common Core? The chilling truth behind these new national educational “standards” will terrify you. Common Core represents the latest and most comprehensive step in the drive toward complete government control of our children’s education. Join us…

Kamikaze Drones

Drones are being developed smaller and smaller to be able to fly like bugs in swarms, crawl like spiders and covertly survey targets or perform assassinations without detection. And, while the military would have us believe that these new drones…

If America laughs, America is beyond redemption.

The feminist film critics can exhale now. Someone has finally concocted their dream movie: an “abortion comedy.” Because apparently nothing sounds funnier than an unplanned one-night stand and a courageous destruction of God’s most beautiful and most innocent creation.It’s called…

Evil or Stupid?

So many scandals in Obama’s years as President. So was he evil or was he just stupid? He portrays himself as ignorant or stupid for each of these. He finds the news from the media, not from his administration. But…

BO knows What Made Bowe So Important

by Mychal Massie On Tuesday, June 3, I wrote: “Obama is a man on the ropes. He is coming more unhinged. Only a person with deep-seated emotional instability makes the public displays he does. Only a person teetering on the brink…

Calls for Obama’s Impeachment

Judge Jeanine Pirro again calls for Obama’s impeachment — this time for the astonishing exchange of one (alleged) US deserter for 5 top Taliban leaders held at Guantanamo Bay. Judge Jeanine warns that the future atrocities these five perpetrate will…

Creeped Out over Facebook’s new Feature

Facebook recently rolled out a new feature that’s leaving some users speechless and others running to sign a petition to have it removed, reports.   The social network’s new quirk allows its mobile app to turn on your smartphone’s…