Month: January 2015

The Sound of Green

While there are numerous green industry supported studies claiming that noise from wind turbines are not harmful to your health, perhaps its best to judge for yourself.  Would you really want to listen to this 24/7, 365?

Government Destroys Jobs

If the media tells us that XYZ has created 1,000 new jobs we get excited; when QRS closes and jobs are lost, we’re sad and the politician who can provide a subsidy to save QRS is almost assured of wide-spread…

Fast Track to Tyranny

Obama is pushing the Senate to give him fast track authority to cut a massive trade deal because he doesn’t have the needed 2/3’s vote  to ratify the treaty in question. That alone should tell you something is amiss.   Even when Democrats…


From the murder of the Israeli athletes in the Munich Olympics in 1972, through the murder of 5 rabbis at prayer in 2014, the Palestinian cause has been driven by TERROR.  

Living In The Shadow of Death

Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.” Aristotle It is a fact that Yazidi and other Christian communities trace their Syrian and Iraqi roots back nearly 2,000 years. Islam, which literally means surrender or submission, developed…