Month: February 2015

A Pro-Gun Shift

Evildoers who worship terrorism are perpetrating lone-wolf attacks around the globe and this violence is causing a change in firearm policies in many countries, as well as a pro-gun shift in attitudes in the U.S. Thirty year old Alton Nolen…

2016 Obama plans to take America down

Dinesh D’Souza made some startling predictions about the second term of Barack Obama — and now he has released a fresh, eight-minute addition to the film revealing how the president plans to “take America down a notch.

The Warming Racket

Relentless opportunists, third-rate academics, carbon-market scam artists and peddlers of catastrophic prophecy are beginning to see the global warming, climate change, climate disruption bubble deflating so they’re working even harder than ever to sustain the scare. It doesn’t mean the…

Chemicals: Safe Until Proven Dangerous

Many Americans naively believe that the government protects them from harmful chemicals. God only knows where that idea came from!  Chemicals that are restricted or banned in Europe are still in use in the US, most of which have never been…

Debt Is The Death of Hope

Debt is about more than just money. It’s about the end of expectations and the death of hope. In a speech at DHS Obama declared that he wants to “replace mindless austerity with smart investments that strengthen America.” Those “smart”…