Trump has always been an admirer of Ronald Reagan.

Trump with The Gipper, President Ronald Reagan. Here are two men of principle who always spoke directly to the American people, over the heads of the elites:

This is also why Sarah Palin recently compared Donald Trump to Reagan. The similarities are endless:

Thankfully, Americans are on to the media’s games. The politics of personal destruction has lost its shock value. We have serious problems in this country. Ferreting through old divorce records and playing gotcha with past misstatements are just stupid distractions. Shouts of, “But he donated to Democrats!” won’t sway Trump enthusiasts. The man built a skyscraper in New York City – of course, he had donated to Democrats. If he was building it in Salt Lake City, I’m sure he would have donated to Republicans. “But he changed his mind on positions!” Reagan had been an FDR Democrat. Should we hold that against him or be grateful he saw the light?

Itty-bitty pundits thinking it’s clever to mock Americans’ opinions are finding the joke is on them. Cozy in their seat of judgment, blowing each others horns, protected by a glass screen. Ask yourself: just who ARE these windbags? And what do they build? Towers of paperclips? Lists of Twitter followers? Trump’s supporters are delightedly defying pithy prim “opinion makers” who think Americans are incapable of choosing our leaders without their dictates. The more the spotlight-seekers smear Trump, the more popular he gets. A friend emailed, “Tell those smart alecks bashing Trump on TV, ‘I love him because YOU hate him!’”

The GOP establishment would do well to listen to these voters and quit dismissing them. Reagan understood these blue-collar salt of the earth Americans. That’s why they gave him two landslide victories. If you want to win again, GOP, you need these good people.



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