Month: September 2015


From a guaranteed right to hormone therapy for transgendered illegal aliens, to a prospective Attorney General saying that illegals have the same right to a job as US citizens or legal immigrants, the ongoing sham of the Obama administration’s under-the-radar…

Free blacks who owned slaves

 Video by Myran Jones pictured above Anthony Johnson (b. c. 1600 – d. 1670) was an Angolan who achieved freedom in the early 17th-century Colony of Virginia, where he became one of the first African property owners and slaveholders. Held as an indentured…

Adultery, the New Civil Right?

The Ashley Madison hack has not only spurred a national debate on data privacy but the state of marriage in general.   Left wing pundits wasted little time in rehashing the same defense of adultery that they used to defend homosexual…

It’s Downhill from Here

The Federal Reserve created $4 trillion of electronic money when the economy tanked in 2008. It could have used this $4 trillion to write down the debt; it could have used it to spread into the economy and create a…

Virginia: Open for Business With Iran?

The Iran nuclear deal will soon become reality even though a bi-partisan majority in Congress opposes it as does a vast majority of the American people. Significant arms agreements, especially between adversaries on the world stage, have always been by…

Criminalizing Christianity

For decades the growing narrative from the homosexual lobby was to convince Americans that peace would reign if social conservatives could just get with the program.   The Supreme Court did just that by creating yet more phantom special “rights” for…