San Bernardino, Obama & Valerie Jarrett Behind the Scene

Barack Obama gave what was in the seven years of his presidency only the third primetime address to the nation…………….And he didn’t want to do it.

Immediately after the San Bernardino terror attack, the President of the United States was said to be initially interested in the events to the point of outright excitement for the opportunity to once again make a call for enhanced federal gun control measures – which he did.

Within hours of the attack it became clear to federal officials that Islamic terror played an integral role.

Once that was known, Mr. Obama’s enthusiasm is said to have “waned considerably.” And then when the L.A. FBI office went public with calling San Bernardino a terrorist attack, both Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett went into “warpath mode.”

Jarrett’s displeasure was apparently first to make itself known. She was outraged the FBI had done so without first getting prior approval from her. Jarrett was said to be particularly concerned with the proximity of the FBI’s terror designation and the president’s quick words on calling for more gun control measures soon after the actual San Bernardino terror attack. “They’re making us look like fools!”

The focus of the White House’s ire soon became FBI Director, James Comey.

At one point, Obama is said to have flung several papers onto the floor of the Oval Office as he sat behind his desk stewing over Director’s Comey’s now-infamous terrorist attack remarks. “This was supposed to be a gun issue for us, not some anti-Islamic bullsh*t!”

Jarrett then dispatched an order for Director Comey to meet in person with the President. It was at that meeting the already existing fracture between Comey and the White House on such issues as the Black Lives Matter/anti-law enforcement movement, which Director Comey already spoke out against, was said to have worsened considerably following the San Bernardino attacks. Comey is alleged to have refused to fully capitulate with the White House’s demands he lessen the “terrorist attack” rhetoric.

When Director Comey went ahead with a planned press conference on the issue, Jarrett sent Attorney General Loretta Lynch there to oversee the Director’s statements on the San Bernardino attack. Included in that press conference was a moment the Mainstream Media then attempted to hide as Jarrett operatives terminated the Director’s public comments when he moved away from his Jarrett-approved script via an attempt to open the press conference to questions from the media.

A video of that unsettling moment has been terminated. Gee I wonder why. continue below…

Ultimately it was Valerie Jarrett who apparently informed the President he would be giving a primetime address on Sunday evening. This decision was based almost exclusively on fears the White House was quickly losing control of the narrative, and was in fact suggested by a handful of trusted Mainstream Media figures devoted to the Obama White House’s well-being.

A small battle was waged by several White House advisers and consultants regarding both the tone and content of the President’s Sunday evening commentary. In the end, as usual, Jarrett’s opinion is said to have won out. There would be brief mention of terrorism, ISIL, and the President’s ongoing efforts to keep Americans safe. Then the speech would focus almost entirely on the need for gun control and a caution to Americans not to engage in anti-Muslim rhetoric or action. (a warning that had been outlined earlier by Attorney General Lynch who called anti-Muslim sentiment her “greatest fear”)

Mr. Obama was willing to swallow the bitter pill of admitting a terrorist attack had taken place inside of the United States, but only after Valerie Jarrett had the call for gun control and pro-Islamic rhetoric be made the more dominant part of the relatively brief primetime address.

During the intense back and forth among speech writers and Jarrett, was a moment where Barack Obama is said to have pointed defiantly at Jarrett and declared, “This is just as much an Israel problem as it is a gun problem! Nobody wants to say it, but it’s true!”

At least one who was there to witness that outburst must have been troubled enough by it to then leak it to others on staff who were outside the Oval Office at the time it is alleged to have been spoken. Why the President would include a reference to Israel in regards to San Bernardino is unknown.

What is known by almost everyone involved with the night’s primetime address to the nation by President Barack Obama is he went to that podium kicking and screaming nearly the entire way.

It was not a speech he cared to give and he very much resented having events require he do so.

UPDATE: Some of the mystery regarding the President’s anti-Israel comment in relation to the San Bernardino terror attack might have been revealed just this morning. Multiple reports now indicate that one of the two terrorists, Syed Farook, was “negatively obsessed with Israel.” This information was given by Farook’s own father who lives in Italy.

It seems quite likely Barack Obama was already aware of this fact in the hours prior to his Sunday night address to the nation. More troubling is that an American president appears to share an equally negative obsession with Israel as did a recent and undeniable, Islamic terrorist.


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