No Canfedrate Names Alloued!! (Satire)

duigon names

We lets see “that” stopid gye Lee “get” Out of this one!!

See, now he gots “to” change his Name becose It is one of them Canfedrate Notzi names and “iff” he Keeps On using it than he willl be gilty of hat speach!! Like it”s the Same thing “as” being named Hittler whitch is aslo a Canfedrate Notzi name! and it wil affend evry one Whoo sees it Or heres it! and he “has got” To erace it from al his stopid boooks too!!

Jist let himb “trye” to fined a New Name for his self that Isnt some kined of Micro Grecian! If he cal his self Tom welll thats a Notzi name tooo! And he cant Take no Minorty Name neether and cal his self Peeair or Toshiro or Mbemby becose than it Wuld be Cultchurel Apropiation whitch its not alloued!!! so now he “cannt” wright nothing Or say nothing he jist “have to” Shutt Up!!!! Becose whattever he sayes it makes him “a” Whight Stuprimassist and Auntifa wil come and get him! Ha ha ha!!!

Meenwile at the Collidge we getting Rid “of” all Whight Notzi names of Streets and billdings and boooks untill thare isnt None of them lefft! We thunk this Up becose we are Intrallecturals and al yiu Ordrinary dum peple yiu has got to Obay us it “is” fore yuor own Goood!!!!

Lee Duigon

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