Liberals Should Vote for Trump

Believe it or not, in New York, Trump was once lauded by liberals as the kind of genius who thought differently and ran his companies outside of the box, with forward-thinking and actions.

He wasn’t the “racist, gay-hating, anti-female person” he’s portrayed now by the hard left.  As a matter of fact,  The New York Times even ran a long article feting him as a kind of genius, implying he would be a refreshing change if he ran and won the presidency.  Of course, at that time he was a registered Democrat.

Trump’s companies pursued equal pay for women long before that became an issue-du-jour. He won awards for their work with minority communities. He counts many openly gay entrepreneurs and actors as his friends, Peter Thiel actually gave a keynote speech on the floor of the 2016 Republican convention.

His trade policies follow Democrat Dick Gephardt’s  “Fair trade” pronouncements during his tenure as House-speaker and as a candidate. Gephardt was against NAFTA, against WTO status for China, saying these would gut American blue-collar labor, gut the Midwest, along with American manufacturing.

Consider how Trump led the charge for Justice Reform. This was an issue that liberals have championed for years. The unjust long-term imprisonment for small-time offenses was offensive and wrong, destroying the lives, disproportionately, of black males. At the behest of his friend Kanye West, it was Donald Trump who led the charge to change this travesty. A travesty championed by the Clinton’s and Biden. And change it he did.

He was the one who ended this tragedy. And yes, he got it passed into law. Not Democrats, who never tried. It has given second chances to thousands, mostly in the minority communities. It has opened a great opportunity to rectify life for millions.

Trump has also taken seriously the old Democrat policy of diplomacy rather than war. His diplomacy has already stalled, if not neutered North Korea’s determination to use nuclear arms. His draw-down of troops in Afghanistan and parts of Europe are historical in nature. He is using the military as a last resort. Not even Obama did that, and certainly not the Clinton’s, who always wanted to appear tough.

His latest agreement between Israel and The UAE should make liberals stand up and cheer.  This new accord should excite us all, but most of all liberals who claim to want peace,  who reject saber-rattling. It has the potential to diffuse much of the long-term cultural differences in the Middle East, allowing a major shift in attitude to happen. It is probable the Saudis and others will follow.

Yet, because of our irresponsible media, most liberals have no idea that Trump’s major were once the goals of Liberals.  Even if you don’t like Trump’s personality, you can love many of the things he has accomplished. Hopefully you can have an open mind and come to be pleased that Trump is not the right-wing Hitlerian monster the hard left wants us all to believe. He actually has implemented genuinely old-school liberal policies to the betterment of our country and the betterment of world relations.

Liberals once championed free speech, and the freedom to do better. They once championed our Bill of Rights, and our freedoms as the best way to enshrine the ideals they loved. Freedom used to be a liberal desire – Freedom of choice, freedom to become better, freedom to become better off.

Socialism embodies little freedom, has never worked, has always created slavery, and always destroyed countries. Make no mistake; it will destroy America if implemented. Make no mistake; everything liberals love will be gone. Everything will be replaced as it was in Venezuela. Venezuela happens, when you take away the good old-fashioned liberal concept of freedom.

Like it or not, the reality is, the hard left has hijacked the party of JFK, the party that once saw itself as making things better, that once accepted that this country had the capacity to do great things for the downtrodden; that party has lost its way. In place of bigheartedness, the hard left has inserted some wrong, genuinely awful, and genuinely destructive ideas.

If you genuinely care about this nation or genuinely believe that  liberal ideals that would make us a better country, here is your chance –  your chance  to remove the radical hard left from the Democratic Party.  The hard-left   if not replaced will bring nightmarish scenarios to all but the hard-left leaders in this country. You should not believe that chaos, violence, bullying, or blackmailing ways into power is good.

This is liberalism’s last chance, voting for Trump, simultaneously voting out the hard left. Take back the party. Reform it into the once-great alternative it was.

You can read David Prentices article in full at the link provided below.

Source: The Liberal Case for Trump by David Prentice, UnderCover DC

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