Month: October 2020

The Return of the Homosexual Imperialists

It’s one thing to defend President Trump against false witness by the magazine Christianity Today. It’s another matter to rationalize or excuse how certain Trump officials are using the United Nations and the State Department to attack Christian nations.​The controversial…


This year has given us a new ideology with totalitarian tendencies. It has a vision of hell, of heaven, and a means of transition. It has a unique language apparatus. It has a mental focus. It has signaling systems to…

Don’t Just Trust – Verify

It seems like the so-called “Progressives” have gotten just about as much “mileage” out of the coronavirus/COVID-19 exercise (at least for now), as they’ve been able to, so it appears it’s time to move on to the next thing.  Following Saul…

Its Time for a Break

My message today is a bit of a personal one.  But I think it’s important that I share this with you, my friends, readers and radio listeners. The Bible talks a great deal about work.  It’s clear that God created us for a…

Lies, Ignorance and Anarchy

In 1948, George Orwell published his futuristic book, titled “1984.”  Here’s a short excerpt from what he wrote, 72 years ago: “Every record has been destroyed or falsified.  Every book re-written, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been…

Playing Genetic Roulette

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has launched efforts to create a DNA-based vaccine that would protect people from most flu strains  with a single shot, according to their 2018 press release.  Anyone who understands the science…

Laying Siege to Religious Freedom

The November election is more than just a presidential election. It is a vote for or against our Republic, a vote for or against our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  “Let each citizen remember at the moment he is…

Gender Wars

“Heterosexuality just isn’t working.” – NBC news “THE ASSAULT ON THE SEXES” by Jim and Andrea Fordham was published in 1977 and I’m just getting around to reading it. It was prophetic. An excerpt: “Feminist writer Gabrielle Burton says that women’s lib…