Author: dana

A danger to your health and wallet

Can the IRS be responsible for our healthcare? What sorts of rationing will ensue? Are there going to be death panels? As Obamacare begins to take full effect, listen to Zo’s straight talk on the Affordable Care Act, which seems…

Another Assault on Christians

A new law in San Antonio that protects LGBT persons from discrimination criminalizes what it calls ‘bias’ against homosexuality.  Christians in San Antonio say they are fully awake now after this assault on their religious liberty and they say they…

Separated at Birth

  Who knew John came from a long, stony-faced lineage? [my emphasis- And both contain the same brain matter.] The creator of Beavis and Butthead stated that “Beavis ‘is a zero’ when it comes to intelligence” and “indeed, Beavis is…

October 11-13 Truckers to shut down America

Update: New website for the Truckers after Facebook shut them down for using “God Bless America.” Please visit their new website for info at   To protest government corruption in Washington, 1 Million Truckers Head to D.C. According to the…

A Call to Impeach Obama

September 17 – Glenn opened his radio program with some very troubling (and bizarre) news that lead him to call for Obama’s impeachment. Yesterday, the President waived a federal provision specifically designed to prevent the U.S. from supplying arms to…

ObamaCare Forced Home Inspection Raids

The fine print of Obamacare says “The 4th Amendment be damned, we’re coming into your house when we feel like it.” There is no other way to interpret what the allowable government raids of otherwise law abiding American homes will…

Hail Atheism & Bash Intelligent Design

Discovery Institute Demands that Ball State University Investigate Class for Teaching that “Science Must Destroy Religion” Evolutionnews – Discovery Institute, the nation’s leading intelligent design think tank, is demanding that Indiana’s Ball State University (BSU) investigate one of its honors…

Another cop who thinks he’s above the law

Cop pulled somebody over and blocked neighbors driveway, neighbor comes home and asks cop to move vehicle..this is what happens. The family is thrown to the ground..husband, wife, & son……. Makes you wonder what they do when not being filmed.…

Barashiva Lord of the Dance

Red Square – thepeoplescube Barashiva as Lord of Dance This symbol combines Barashiva’s roles as creator, preserver, and destroyer of life as we know it. The flaming wheel represents the never-ending circle of progress dotted with violence and destruction. Multiple hands…

And The Lies Continue

Mychal Massie If Obama were Pinocchio his nose would have stretched twice around the earth and would now be snorting dust on the dark side of the moon. The man takes lying to levels heretofore unwitnessed. On “This Week With…