Tag: 2nd Amendment

A Day That Will Live in Infamy

Gun Owners of America Last Thursday, November 21, is a day that will live in infamy. Harry Reid pulled the trigger on the “nuclear option” — a process whereby 52 Senate Democrats voted to change the Senate rules by brute…

Feeding Lies to the Public

Two pictures that show the utter mendacity of anti-gun websites. This is a time where two pictures are worth more than a thousand words each:   …background here: the short version is that apparently the first photo is going around the usual suspects…

The War on Ammo: Total Gun Control

A couple of years ago we opined that the anti-gun establishment had found a loophole for the Second Amendment and that rather than targeting the banning of all firearms, they would instead turn their attention to ammunition. The government’s most…

Buying The Virginia Governor’s Mansion

NY Mayor Bloomberg, who deceptively bills himself as an independent, has spent more than $15  million on various gun control initiatives.  He just spent $1 million helping  elect Newark Mayor Cory Booker to a U.S. Senate seat in last Wednesday’s…

Obama Regime to Disarm the American Citizens

UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, not what Obama wants. The following is a list of sheriffs and state sheriff’s associations from who have vowed to uphold and defend the Constitution against Obama’s unlawful gun control measures. I applaud…


By James W. Porter II, NRA President “Weapons of war.” That’s the latest word-picture painted by the gun-ban crowd to scare the public into supporting all manner of gun control. “Weapons of war” is a term especially designed to divide gun…