Tag: 2nd Amendment

Gun-control bills shot down in Virginia House

January 17, 2014 – The House of Delegates panel widely known as the graveyard of gun-control bills consigned a slew of them to oblivion Thursday. The Republican-controlled subcommittee of the Militia, Police and Public Safety Committee tabled a series of…

Firearms Deter Crime

Detroit Police Chief James Craig was interviewed by Steve Malzberg about the reduced crime rate in Detroit in 2013. Chief Craig attributes that, in part, to the fact that many Detroit citizens carry concealed weapons.

The Mental Illness Card

Michael Connelly, Constitutional Attorney,  RedFlagNews:  History shows  that a  disarmed population is a population that cannot effectively resist tyranny. Obama is attempting gun control through Executive Orders that broaden the definition of mental illness to disarm and ultimately imprison potential…

Gun Free Zones Advertise YOU are Defenseless

Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America, discussed the illusion of safety in Gun Free Zones with Chris Wallace. “Gun free zones are murder magnets.” said Mr. Pratt. They basically enable criminals to victimize innocent people who have no means…

To Conquer, First Disarm

Vice President Joe Biden has signed  off on $100 million in taxpayer money to be divided between Health & Human Services and ObamaCare to fund mental health care in new community centers in rural areas.  “The fact that less than half of children…