Tag: Donald Trump

Donald Trump & Jim Webb Rumors

Donald Trump is the current GOP frontrunner, likely the single most outspoken and politically incorrect of all those seeking the White House in 2016. Jim Webb is that most rare of things these days – a conservative Democrat and until…

Dear Fellow Conservative,

source – By Ann Coutter For my best birthday gift this week, Donald Trump called for blocking Muslim immigration to the United States. If he throws in all immigration, it will be my merriest Christmas ever. By contrast, the eunuchs running…

Dog Missing? Maybe This is Why

This is what happens when the Islamists take over folks… they get rid of the dogs. A local British MP (Member of Parliament) is upset after he says he saw a sign near a popular park for dog walkers that…

Donald Trump Leads and Here’s Why!!!

  What if they left? Somebody really did their homework on this one.  Best on the subject to date.  It does not have a political slant to it, it’s just the facts:  Not Democratic, not Republican, not liberal and not…

Herman Cain on Donald Trump

First of all, I wouldn’t say I’ve “endorsed” Trump per se. There are several candidates I think would make good presidents on my Pick Six list, and he’s one of them. But it still makes sense that you would want…