Tag: Freedom

Organizing to Impeach Obama

It’s not about Democrats, Republicans or Conservatives. It’s about protecting Freedom by having Obama Impeached. Hundreds gathered at the World Famous “Sopotnick’s Cabbage Patch” In Samsula, FL, to hold a political rally to persuade people to impeach Obama, and speak their…

Obama Fights For Muslim Brotherhood

The Egyptian people wanted a true democracy without an Islamic government, sharia law and the Obama backed Muslim Brotherhood.  How dare they!  How dare they not support Muslim terrorists and the mass murderers of Christians in Syria and Egypt.  How dare they oust Obama’s desired…

Domestic Traitors

An Open Letter to Government Employees by Lorri Anderson – freedomoutpost MY MESSAGE TO ALL AMERICAN GOVERNMENT WORKERS that are ordered to turn on YOUR people. EXAMPLE: CIA, FBI, PARKS SERVICE, DHS, NSA, EPA, DOJ, IRS, FEMA, Border Patrol, Police, Sheriff’s…

Anonymous Million Mask March November 5th

  We come to issue a warning. The meeting point for the Million Mask March is the Washington monument at the National Mall Park, Washington DC Mission statement: ” To remind this world what it has forgotten, That fairness, justice,…

Jesse Ventura

Ventura asked if the government’s shut down, “That should mean we shouldn’t have to pay any taxes, right?” He called for another American revolution to push back against the “corrupt system” created by Democrats and Republicans in Washington. He told…

No Higher Power Than Godless Government

The Philadelphia EEOC regional attorney Debra Lawrence has filed suit against a Pennsylvania mining company on behalf of one worker who refused to submit to a biometric hand-scan because he believed that it was the “mark of the beast.   “In appropriate…

REAL ID: The Last Nail In The Coffin

Was 9/11 the point of no return?  If not, it certainly accelerated the downfall of our once great nation. While America has been under siege from the left since the early 1900s, it was Bush’s reaction to the terrorist attack that laid…

Will You Obey Romans 13?

“This Bible is for the government of the people, by the people and for the people”. John Wycliffe “A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.” – Theodore Roosevelt “Those who will not be governed…

A Perverted Sense of Propriety

You can be arrested for hunting or fishing without a license – but not for being in the country illegally. Your child needs permission to go on a field trip or take an aspirin in school – but not to get…