Tag: Government Abuse of Power

The Big One

Because they live on the unstable surface of a planet with an energetic atmosphere and an even more energetic interior, human beings sometimes find their circumstances violently altered by things like hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, hailstorms, volcanos, and meteoric impacts. For…

Celebrate The Bill of Rights Every Day

December 15, 1791 marks the most momentous day in human history. On that day, the first ten amendments to the then-new United States Constitution were ratified, placing severe limits — for the first time in in thousands of years —…

Jim Crow Rides Again

Less than a hundred years ago, there were laws in many states and localities — not just southern ones, by any means — maliciously written, passed, and enforced for no other reason than to make living just as difficult as…

The Gun Culture’s Dirty Little Secret

Does the United States Constitution mean what it says? Does it say what it means? Was it written as some kind of obscure code that can only be interpreted into English by individuals with special education and credentials? Or was…

Enough is Enough

The twenty-seven simple, easily-understood words of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution have not proven clear and forceful enough to protect and defend the right it concerns, especially given its ideological enemies who willfully misunderstand it. In the…

With Friends Like These, Who Needs Democrats?

Rodney William Ansell was a widely-respected Australian cattleman, hunter, and outbacker, most famous for his survival skills under harsh conditions, who served as the model for the movie character “Crocodile Dundee”. His business and his family were destroyed by trendy…

The False Red Flag

It’s the left’s fondest wet-dream, unfulfilled before now: a right-wing would-be domestic terrorist — a “white nationalist” and a Coast Guard lieutenant, to boot, if the lying mass media are to be believed — with a hit-list of protocommunist politicians…

Racism and Firearms

Let me preface this piece by saying two things: 1) As a white, non- Jewish, heterosexual male, I’m in the one group that’s not allowed to give opinions on racism, and 2) I don’t care, and I’m going to anyway.…

Who Polices The Police?

Without police, there could be no police state. Every tyrannical law needs flesh-and-blood enforcement agents who are willing to break down doors at midnight and spit on human rights. Without them, unjust laws are nothing more than ink on paper.…

Ardent Opponent To Tyranny

This is a great Speech by Mike Vanderboegh who helped break “Fast & Furious”. Please watch the video or read the transcript below.  My name is Mike Vanderboegh and I’m a smuggler. I am from the great free state of Alabama…

CIA’s Heart Attack Gun

Former CIA employee Mary Embree discusses the infamous heart attack gun. The weapon was first made public during the Church Committee hearings in 1975. Very lethal & untraceable, using this weapon a murder is made to look natural. No doubt…