Tag: Government Abuse of Power

Legislating Wickedness

Articles have no attractive colors and themes like book covers, so there is only one chance to grab the attention. It usually means that the stinger comes first and the explanation is what follows. In this article, the title may…

All Are Victims of The Police State

“All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.”― Frank Herbert Power corrupts. Worse, as 19th-century historian Lord Acton concluded, absolute power corrupts absolutely. It…

Render Unto Ceasar?

  Jesus often used parables and other indirect rhetorical devices, some that represented more complete stories like “The Laborers in the Vineyard,” (Matthew 20:1-16), some that offered shorter insights like “The Pompous Pharisee and the Sinful Tax Collector” (Luke 18:9-14),…

FBI, Russian Spies, Hillary, Bill and Money

As much as the developing Uranium scandal points to Hillary Clinton trading in the security of the United States for family enrichment, the latest development from The Hill indicates that the FBI may have known Russia was trying to influence…

Two Sides of the Same Coin: the Death Coin

Gun-Grabbing and Abortion Two Sides of Culture of Death Coin “Gun control and abortion are two sides of the same coin, the culture of death coin,” says John M. Snyder. “Gun control proponents say they want to make life safer than…

Anti-Gun Political Lies

Wherever one lives in this great country, Sunday evening’s massacre in Las Vegas was nothing short of horrific.  Everyone I spoke to was both saddened and frightened by the crazed gunman who fired on a crowd of about 22,000 people…

Abortion – State Becomes The Grim Reaper

“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”   Declaration of Independence, 1776 Christ died to save our souls. Amen?…

Exposing Children to Wickedness and Calling it Love

For years conservatives have asserted that homosexuals are pursuing children, and for years homo-activists have mocked that claim. Due to either their profound ignorance or their commitment to deception as a tactic for advancing their pernicious goal of normalizing homoeroticism,…

Reason and Wisdom’s War in America

There is a war on reason and wisdom underway in America. Many are the conflicts that blaze and burn in today’s America. Battle lines are drawn in political arenas, in our media, in workplaces, schools and in many churches. Why…

“Stop Terrorizing Us!”

Terrorisim- “Government by intimidation” Oxford English dictionary Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of…

Illegal and Unconstitutional

“The typical American voter is so stupid, his dog teaches him tricks.” –Jonathan Gruber architect of Romney-Obama-Care  The hot topic again this week coming from today’s conservatives is an attempt to get you caught up into a debate about what…