Tag: Gun Rights


Americans don’t realize that the safety promised by “red flag” laws will be dangerously lost, if red-flagged people become enraged. They are left free on the streets, where they can terrorize those who assaulted them with the new laws. No…

Gun Confiscation Deception Scheme

Joy Behar revealed a key piece of the Progressive Project to her listeners on 4 November, 2019. She advised politicians who wanted to confiscate guns from U.S. citizens to deceive them so the politicians could get elected; then confiscate the…

Militarization of Police State USA

You are sleeping in the middle of the night. The next thing you know you are suddenly jarred awake with the loud thud of your front door crashing down from a battering ram. What seems about a dozen or more…

Red Cards on Red Flag Waving Politicians

Virginians have the opportunity soon to vote for candidates for all of the seats in the General Assembly—both Delegates and State Senators. Millions of dollars are pouring in from out-of-state in a shameless attempt to hijack the election and shift…

Putting ‘Gun-Control’ to the Test

We all want to protect our family and friends. ‘Gun-control’ is the theory that disarming honest people will stop criminals. That is a fantastic theory, but does ‘gun-control’ work in practice? Now that we have new FBI data at hand,…

What’s it Gonna Take?

.. all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.— Thomas Jefferson, “Declaration of Independence” What has to happen before the…

“The Great American Fraud”

How do you tell when a politician’s lying? You know the punch line: His lips are moving. Unfortunately the old joke is no joke. For the last 100 years, virtually every promise the federal government has ever made has been…

So the UN Doesn’t Want Your Guns?

“Gone long ago is the time when we Europeans could subdue other continents because we had firearms and the local peoples had not. In 1999 it was reported that an AK-47 assault rifle could be bought in Uganda for the…

Another Hanging Judge

A jumped-up federal judge has ruled that a recent (2018) Massachusetts ban on “assault weapons” (undefined, as always) and on large-capacity magazines doesn’t violate the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. Once again, we are left to wonder whether…

The Red Flag Council

In America, the highest law of the land consists of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, commonly known as Bill of Rights. Unlike the remainder of the Constitution (which merely serves as an “operating system” for the…

At What Point Does Paranoia Become Prudence?

Most minorities have some form of “family voice,” be it a radio station or published periodical. The purpose of these minority media, aside from social news, is to inform group members of concerns, dangers, and threats. Sometimes, these closed media…

Treason From Within

“Every man, when he is oppressed and disarmed, may still imagine that, while he yields in obedience, it is to himself he yields it. . .It is in vain to summon a people who have been rendered so dependent on…