Month: December 2013

Cops Want Nosy People to be Snitches

Virginia State Police released a new “crime-fighting” app that encourages citizens to photograph citizens who are legally photographing in public, the latest chapter in the War on Terror that further criminalizes photography. But considering how local police are already collecting…

The Incredible Shrinking Middle Class

Senator Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee,  issued a  statement  in response to President Obama’s speech on the decline in economic conditions for U.S. workers. It is shocking for the President to give a speech about…

Did Someone Say Pig-Man?

Eugene McCarthy, Ph.D, a genetics professor at the University of Georgia, one of the leading authorities on hybridisation in animals, claims that the human species began as the hybrid offspring of a male pig and a female chimpanzee, something he claims wasn’t  discovered…

AARP: A Fortune 500 Nonprofit

Over the last three decades, AARP has gone from a nonpartisan non-profit advocate for Seniors to becoming an appendage of the Democratic Party. AARP endorsed ObamaCare, telling Seniors they were doing so because of the spiraling prescription drug costs, discriminatory practices by…

IMF Wants To Legalized Theft

The world is awash in liberal mismanagement and near bankruptcy but never fear, the International Monetary Fund has the answers.  If you have the stomach, you can read the full 107 pages of socialist theivery at this link. To rid…

To American Christians

Dear Christians, What in the H E double hockey sticks is the matter with you people!? Do you think being involved in public policy and elections and all that earthy stuff is somehow antithetical to the spirit walk?  I’m glad…