Month: January 2014

The Mental Illness Card

Michael Connelly, Constitutional Attorney,  RedFlagNews:  History shows  that a  disarmed population is a population that cannot effectively resist tyranny. Obama is attempting gun control through Executive Orders that broaden the definition of mental illness to disarm and ultimately imprison potential…

Radioactive Beaches

These people are asked to come help cleanup, but they also have to sign a “waiver” of Liability and Assumption of Risk. To quote a comment from an email I received, this is “insanity on display for all to see” and…

Christie Targeted by Obama Administration

“Justice cannot be fueled by partisan Presidential Politics” says FNC’s Judge Jeanine Pirro in her Opening Statement segment on ‘Justice’ as she scorches President Obama for all the scandals and the endless dragging of feet by his administration in getting…

Joe “The Plumber” and Obama

Barack  Obama discovers a leak under his sink, so he calls Joe the Plumber to come and fix it. Joe drives to Obama’s house, which is located in a very nice neighborhood, where it’s clear that all the residents make more…

The TSA Sucks

If some total stranger walked up to you in the street and said “I am either going to see you naked or touch your genitals”, What would be the likelihood of that person walking away from that encounter?  Robert Colella…

Playing God With Fake Science

Every few years the United Nation’s global warming scientists lay out their “latest faked climate  science” in laymans terms so that policy makers around the world can use it to scam their citizens.   The 2013 report consolidated the typical chicken-little scare that…

Social Proof – Peer Pressure

Social Proof, aka ‘Peer-pressure,’ is mob-mentality that convinces people to go along with the crowd or risk being mocked and ridiculed. Obama has convinced a slew of voters that to question him is to be racist. Now, many voices are…

Google’s Edible Microchip

Former DARPA director and now Google executive Regina Dugan is pushing an edible “authentication microchip” along with an electronic tattoo that can read your mind. Motorola patents e-tattoo that can read your thoughts.