Month: January 2015

A Global World Order

NWO Website Eposes Official List of Companies Involved & Possible Cataclysmic Events for 2015 he

Blood Money

Fetal tissue obtained from spontaneous abortions and ectopic pregnancies has been part of scientific research for years. The 1950s polio vaccine was developed from fetal kidney cells as was the production of a widely used measles vaccine. But after Roe…

Climate Hustle

C-FACT PRESENTS a new documentary film project – The Global Warming Shakedown Trailer #1 Trailer #2

The Nazis Were Socialists, Not Right-Wingers

PJTV viewer “Digging4Information” asks Andrew Klavan & Bill Whittle about Nazis and Fascists. He asks why both are presented in the media as “right-wing” when both Nazis and Fascists had socialist roots. Klavan and Whittle wonder whether nazism and fascism…

We Print Life

Glowing Plants is a new start-up company that wants to make light bulbs and outdoor lighting extinct with DNA manipulated plants and trees that glow in the dark.   Unless they come with an off switch I don’t think I’d be…

Political Schizophrenia

With the publication of the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual, 5th edition in 2013, used by clinicians, researchers,  drug regulation agencies, health insurance and pharmaceutical companies, the legal system and various UN so-called health organizations, Obama and the American Psychiatric Association have…

Corporate Liberalism

In the 2015 State of the Union, Obama came across as the newest member of Occupy Wall Street but his record shows him to be a corporate liberal, and a closer look at his latest proposals proves it. In exchange…

Federal Control Freaks Strike Again!

Buyers Beware: In February, the nanny state will institute new standards for residential dishwashers, the benefits of which for consumers are NIL. The control freaks that pass for regulatory agencies fully expect dishwasher sales to drop by one-third as the…

Playing Games With Border Security

Republicans, promising us the “toughest border security bill ever,” will bring HR 399 to the floor this week for a vote. Submitted by Mike McCaul, the new House Homeland Security Chairman, less than two weeks ago, one has to ask…

The God Project

In Britain, God goes by the name of the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA). Playing God in the past has led to the  creation of designer babies to be used as tissue farms for existing children,  the creation of cloned…