Month: February 2017

Obama Wants to Destroy President Trump

Barack Obama is staying put in D.C. allegedly to allow his youngest daughter, Sasha to finish school there. The truth is, though, that the recently-former POTUS wants to be front and center in the ongoing plot to make certain the…

Wonders in the Heaven

Religion and astronomy may not overlap often, but  when they do such as the NASA X-ray image of a celestial object that resembles the “Hand of God,” we must stand in awe!  The cosmic “hand of God” photo was produced when a…

Human-Animal Hybrid Chimeras Has Begun

Human-animal mutant creatures make great material for science fiction writers, but we aren’t supposed to be creating them in the real world. In so many ways, the technological advancements that we have made as a society are outpacing our ability…

NWO and the Temple of Ba’al Arch?

A replica of a Roman arch that once stood in front of the pagan Temple of Ba’al was erected for the World Government Summit in Dubai this past week, creating a scene that one rabbi claims symbolizes the dangerous fusion of…

Conjecture and Speculation Characterize Evolution

A common quibble laid at the feet of Christians  is that they are not qualified to speak about scientific matters relating to the creation/evolution controversy.  Yet in typical  fashion,  evolutionists do not hold themselves to the same standards.  In “How to Debate a…

“Dark Powers Reemerging in the World”

Noted mystic spiritual leader Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi warned against witchcraft and black magic making a comeback in the world In his weekly sermon. The rabbi was confident that the powers of good and God would prevail, giving practical advice…

Without God the Nation Will Collapse

By Roseann Salanitri  The two competing factions in these United States have ideological differences that motivate them that are as different as the serpent’s and God’s in the Garden of Eden. While God made the right way of living clear…

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

Have you ever envied someone else’s success? Do you sometimes wish you had another person’s life? Well, comedian Tom Shillue explains why comparing yourself to other people will put you on the fast track to an unhappy life.