Religion SHOULD Overlap Politics

Liberals and pietists never tire of faulting us for mixing religion with politics even though their politics is their religion. 

And when our country, as a matter of public policy, acts contrary to God’s immutable moral law, then our dear leaders drag us all into their own sin.

Worse, they put our country in danger of God’s judgement–as when a few lawyers on the Supreme Court “legalize” the same-sex parody of marriage, without benefit of any law being passed by the legislature, and the, er, president orders the White House lit up with “rainbow” lights to celebrate this evil. It is wrong for Christians to support this. Instead, we should be praying for national repentance and a reversal of this course.

We are also faulted for not holding out for some mythical simon-pure righteous candidate: we should not have voted for Donald Trump, the liberals declare, because he’s a sinner and we’re supposed to be against sin. Never mind that we voted for him because the alternative, Hillary Clinton, was unthinkable. There was no righteous candidate. In 2016 the next president was going to be either Trump or Clinton, no one else. Not to vote for Trump was to help Clinton. And that was indefensible.

We cannot support public policies that are flagrantly abominable, nor the politicians who create and enact those policies. And the list of those policies would be a very long one.

So, yeah, I don’t care if my religion overlaps into my politics. I think it should. Period.

Lee Duigon

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