Man’s Mind Is Man’s Fate

The Tsar Bomba, the most powerful thermonuclear device ever detonated, with a force 3,800 times greater than the blast that leveled Hiroshima, was tested over the Severny Island on October 30, 1961, by the Soviet Union.

Had it been dropped on the center of the Big Apple, half of Brooklyn would have been incinerated in a 7 mile wide fireball. Every residential building in the greater NY City area would have been flattened and people 50 miles away would have suffered third degree burns from a radiation wave engulfing an area greater than the state of Connecticut. Over 7 million would have died and millions more suffer debilitating injuries.

Sadly, an even greater threat to humanity are the ideologies that influence and control human minds –  ideologies that deny moral laws. In a world of horrifying weapons and dangerous ideologies, the past 150 years has shown that the application of Moral Relativism to the realm of human morality has wrecked more destruction upon Western civilization than the airbursts of 1,000 hydrogen bombs.

The concept that man came into being without a Creator has deep roots but it was not until Darwin sparked an academic revolution in 1859 with his book On the Origin of Species and its sequel in 1871, the Descent of Man, that mankind began to embrace this idea.  The idea that mankind came into being without God is to imply that human life has no more meaning than that of the humblest of insects.  In short, the 7 million people who would die in a thermonuclear strike on New York City is no different from that of 7 million termites dying of poisoning in a routine pest control procedure.

If humans are only the most sophisticated of the apes, as Darwin implied in The Descent of Man, then the Rule of Law must give in to the Law of the jungle – the strong rule the weak – only the fittest survive.

Stalin managed to eliminate some 23 million people by execution, starvation or forced labor. China slaughtered some were between 40 and 78 million by executions, forced labor and starvation. Hitler took the lives of some 17 million. Pol Pot of Cambodia murdered 1.7 million through starvation, executions and forced labor. North Koreans murdered some 3 million in a state-sanctioned attempt to purge society of the concept that “inalienable rights” exist.  62.5 million innocent unborn babies have been slaughtered on the alter of convenience.  While these millions of grisly murders violate God’s moral law, they did not violate the man-made morality of the societies that perpetrated them.

There is no ultimate standard of morality, according to moral relativism, and no statement or position can be considered absolutely “right or wrong,” “best or worst.”  Relativism is self-defeating.  Once right and wrong are regulated to matters of opinion at worst, or purely subjective at best, any talk of morality becomes incoherent.

The blast radius of a Soviet RDS-220 hydrogen bomb is only 45 miles but the destruction  unleashed by moral lawlessness, the logical conclusion of Darwin’s evolutionary theory, has plummeted traditional morals, principles and values into the cesspool.  Universal desperation is the spiritual expression that has driven the breakdown of law and order.

If you believe in an ideology of moral absolutism, if you believe truth, by definition, doesn’t change; if you believe that right is always right and wrong is always wrong, no matter the time, place or society, then you have faced the most revolutionary question in history: “God or man?” and whether you realize it or not, made your choice.

Natural law and absolute truth exist only in a universe created by God.

Source:  The World’s Most Powerful Weapon, by Andrew Miller

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