Month: August 2021

Playing God With DNA

“Eugenics was not unique to the Nazis It could — and did — happen everywhere.”  Daniel Kevles, a historian of science, NY University In 2018, a Chinese scientist announced he’d used CRISPR to genetically modify human embryos. At the time,…

The Cancel Culture

Now that the Pandora’s Box has been opened and the cancel culture has been turned loose, there is no hiding its scope. It is unrestrained and unrelenting. If you dare cross it, even in the slightest, you will be targeted…

A Nation In Rebellion

We confess our national sins and entreat Your forgiveness.  We confess our arrogance and our selfishness.  We confess we have broken and continue to break the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.  We have rejected Your laws, embraced our…

Media Betrayal

We learn more when we listen than when we speak. I sat with some young lawyers who are far smarter than I am. After a while, they politely asked about my interests, and then asked me about mass murder with…

A Virtual Yellow Star

As happens every time a despotic emergency regime is established and constitutional guarantees are suspended, the result is, as happened with the Jews under fascism, the discrimination of a category of men, who automatically become second-class citizens. This is the…

Trust God, Not Government Experiments

The latest “buzz word” from the Left is “Vaccine Hesitancy,” defining those who are “hesitant” to get the experimental gene-altering, DNA-changing injections that we’re told will keep us safe from COVID. But I have to wonder, why don’t they call us…

Playing Frankenstein

When we open the door to human experimentation, we risk all our lives. If life is only valuable when someone else with political power says so, any of us can be declared disposable and useful to the state for science.…

AR-15 Ban Ruled Unconstitutional in California

In a 94 page decision, Judge Roger T. Benitez of California’s ruled that the ban on AR-style rifles is unconstitutional. Read the judge’s decision yourself since he wrote in language that even a journalist can understand. At best I can summarize a…

To Control Speech is to Control People

“There exists a special place in ignominy for American politicians who, having been extended the trust of their voters, turn upon a dime and attempt to undermine the protections of the constitutional order that put them in office.  And, within…

Look to Canada and Be Forewarned

In some respects, Canada has been a step ahead of America in terms of moral and cultural decline. That means that what happens in Canada today – and I mean what happens in the most negative sense – could well…

Sticking It To The Rich?

Bernie Sanders claims that those who have billions shouldn’t exist because, as a true socialist, he believes that if the state taxes wealth away from those in possession of an “unacceptable” amount of wealth and then redistributes it to lower…