Environmentalism with a Christian Veneer

New America, formerly the New America Foundation founded by Ted Halstead is a left-of-center think tank focusing on a range of public policy issues that include national security, technology, gender, energy, education and the economy. Think tank scholars and affiliated commentators include former and current journalists and former members of the Obama administration.

Several years ago, the organization released a report entitled, Spreading the Gospel of Climate Change, to teach activists how to use climate change to form a “solid beachhead” within Evangelicalism in order to drive a wedge between them and the Republican Party.

The wedge, aka “Creation Care,” is a ploy to convince Christians that global warming is a gospel issue by inviting Christians into a joyful vision of the world in which they can rediscover who they truly are as creatures called to love and serve the Creator and to delight in all that God has made.

Mitchell Hescox, President and CEO of the Evangelical Environmental Network, asks in his article, The Importance of Creation Care, “what if Creation Care wasn’t simply one more item to add to the basket, but the basket itself? What if Creation Care was more than simply pro-trees, pro-polar bears, or pro-recycling? What if creation care was pro-life, a means to care for all life?”

The left doesn’t give a tinkers damn about unborn babies or God or the planet. They only care about power and lining their pockets with another global warming scam. They truly believe that Christians are shallow enough to swallow this sudden embrace of God without gagging. Of course they’re right as those Churches that tilt left, those Churches that threw God out with the embrace of abortion and same-sex marriage, have joined the bandwagon.

In reality, the bottom line of Creation Care isn’t to persuade Christians of the merits of saving God’s creation, but to rebrand global warming theory as biblical. Little wonder the group most associated with this strategy is the Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN), which boasts of successfully infiltrating Billy Graham’s magazine Christianity Today and the National Association of Evangelicals, both of which now publish extensively on the need for “action on Creation Care” and more “advocacy” to combat this “sin.”

Far from a religious organization, EEN is a partisan policy shop that lobbies for expensive renewable energy. They defended Obama’s 2015 Clean Power Plan and attacked Republicans who supported its repeal as industry shills who “chose to protect industry interests over God’s creation and the health of our children.”  If that sounds like something the far-left Sierra Club would write, that’s because it is. Creation Care is nothing more than an attempt to disguise environmentalism and its secular global warming agenda as a mandate from God.

Christians shouldn’t be dazzled by these activists’ claims to biblical authority. Whatever its spiritual pretensions, Creation Care is much more than a theological interpretation of climate issues. It’s an entire policy agenda with something to say and lobby for on virtually every issue from the way Americans power their homes to what they are allowed to drive, to abortion rights and socialized medicine, to tax increases on the wealthy and capital gains to combat the “sin” of income inequality.

So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that the same set of ultra-wealthy foundations that fund the radical eco-activists backing the Green New Deal are also behind Creation Care – George Soros’s Open Society Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Ford Foundation and the Energy Foundation to name but a few.

Creation Care brings a gospel that is far from the true gospel which, by the way, doesn’t come with a political platform. Beware false teachers in your midst.  

Source:  “Creation Care” Means Controlling People, Not the Environment  by Hayden Ludwig, Capital Research Center; Creation Care” Is a Secular Agenda Disguised as Christianity by Hayden Ludwig, Hayden Ludwig, Capital Research; The Importance of Creation Care by Mitchell Hescox, the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, Georgetown

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