The Great Bamboozle

One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of it; we’re no longer interested in finding out the truth; the bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.  Carl Sagan

In a 1974 article the Guardian warned that research into ice ages of the past implied that a new ice age must stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind. Walter Cronkite had reported on the same thing in 1972.  Yet somehow we are being told today that the world stands on the brink of destruction from catastrophic global warming.  Who do we believe or should we believe any of it?

Nearly every institution of society from industry, finance, government, education, the media and entertainment has been saturated in and instrumental in spreading the lies.  And we participate because our pride tells us we couldn’t be stupid enough to fall for such a massive lie.  And even as the lie becomes transparent, we double-down out of fear of being seen as fools if we admit the truth.

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in January of this year, big Al Gore didn’t disappoint his fans when he ranted and yelled about climate change “boiling the oceans,” causing freak weather occurrences like “rain bombs” and ultimately affecting humanity’s ability for “self-governance. “We’re still putting 162 million tons of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere every single day and the accumulated amount is now trapping as much extra heat as would be released by 600,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs exploding every single day on the earth.”

He then latched on to the notion of a climate inducted refugee crisis, noting that the number of refugees is “predicted to reach 1 billion in this century.” He further blamed authoritarianism on climate change, as it has been a response to these climate migrations.

Anyone ever seen an ocean boil? Maybe they should sell tickets – I’d be inclined to buy one to see that. As for climate refugees, why would they leave their homes? Isn’t climate change destroying the world? What planet do they plan on traveling to?

At this month’s COP28, the head of the International’ Monetary Fund is calling for a punishing carbon tax on all the peons to fight climate change.  The message was well received by all the globalists that flew in on their private jets, who are being chauffeured around in luxury gas powered limos and dining on the finest cuts of beef and other delicacies. 

In addition to saving the planet, Georgieva, a Bulgarian economist, justifies the tax claiming it will also raise more revenue for governments.  Just what governments’ need – more money to waste on bogus projects that line their pockets and those of their big donors and families, while the peasants starve or freeze or die from heat exhaustion because they can’t afford electricity and food.

Climate Change is not about science, it’s about expanding the power to control the lives of the peasants.  

Billions have been wasted, resources squandered, and the environment put at risk by the policies of a few for what Ottmar Edenhofer of the United Nations admitted in 2015 had little to do with the environment and a lot to do with redistributing the world’s wealth through climate policy.  Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change also admitted as much. 

When you look closely at it, the evidence for climate change, or “global warming” or the great bamboozle doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

Source:  The Global Warming Scam: The Lie by James Simpson; Capital Research Center; Al Gore’s 30 Years of Climate Errors: Glacial Recount by Ken Braun, Capital Research Center; The Goal Is Power: The Global Warming Conspiracy by Charles Kadlec, Forbes; Al Gore Goes on Unhinged Rant by Gabriel Hays, Fox News

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