Author: dana

The Story You Haven’t Heard?

The majority of the Western media is being controlled by their government. The U.S. government wants to change the regime in Syria. Ben Swann Full Disclosure talks with Emilio Ibrahim, a Syrian man living in Damascus about the U.S. and…

American Citizens Disarmed, Judas Style

Obama wants Gun Control so he can CONTROL YOU The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Presently flying under the radar of the American people is the much misunderstood,  deliberately mischaracterized and under-reported United Nation’s Arms Trade Treaty. Considering the persistent multi-level…

Access To Your Bank Accounts

Obama Draws Up Plans To Grant Spy Agencies Complete Access To Financial Data On Every American giving the CIA FUL  Access To Your Bank Accounts. All in the name of terrorism. Exclusive story from Reuters details Obama’s next move in…

Pro Shooting Tips is your 24/7 source for all manner of gun related topics.  SOTG offers education and entertainment through on-demand video material, online  articles, books, DVD’s and live-training events. Student of the Gun; a beginner  once, a student for life.…

Russia threatens USA

News update 3-12-13 MOSCOW – Russia has reported efforts by the West to block weapons exports to Syria. Meanwhile, Sunni rebels in Syria are acquiring Russian-made weapons from Serbia. Russia threatens USA Nuclear attack

Give My Country Back To Me

Economicnoise   A free and open society depends on tradition, customs, culture and law to maintain its condition. For a couple of hundred years the US came closest to achieving the near-perfect balance of freedom for its citizens. Slavery was…

Moving Slowly into Dictatorship

Canadafreepress – Klaus Rohrich A few months back Fox News’ Alan Colmes commented to the effect that anyone who sees a parallel between pre-WWII Germany and Obama’s America is in dire need of psychiatric help. Most people (and I think…

Strike One semiautomatic pistol

Arsenal Firearms is proud to publish the first of 3 comparative high speed videos, aimed to prove beyond any doubt the technical and ballistic superiority of the Strike One over any and all other known semiautomatic pistols available on the…

Conceal Carry and your Drivers License

DHS is planning backdoor gun registration through your driver’s license renewal Happening in Missoui….. Even Though it is against state law the Department of Revenue is installing software to transmit data on people with concealed carry permits to Department of…