Tag: Government Abuse of Power

Florida Cross Targeted

A federal judge has ruled that a cross in Pensacola, Florida – a cross used for countless Easter sunrise services, Memorial Day observances, and ceremonies honoring veterans – must come down because it violates the Constitution. This judge is 100%…

GMOs: Genetic Roulette

Genetic roulette – The Gamble of Our Lives was winner of the top Transformational Film in 2012 and 2012 movie of the year by Solari Report.  The film featured testimony from health care practitioners, scientists, veterinarians, parents, etc. concerning the…

Dr. Phil Exposes Elite Government Pedophile Ring

Dr. Phil exposed the crimes of an elite government pedophile ring to millions of viewers across the United States after interviewing a former child sex slave called ‘Kendall’. Scroll down to next videos to hear Kendall. Thefreethoughtproject.com reports: Kendall explains…

A Parting Shot at Personal Freedom

Anti-War – by Andrew P. Napolitano On Jan. 3, outgoing Attorney General Loretta Lynch secretly signed an order directing the National Security Agency – America’s 60,000-person-strong domestic spying apparatus – to make available raw spying data to all other federal…