Tag: immigration


From a guaranteed right to hormone therapy for transgendered illegal aliens, to a prospective Attorney General saying that illegals have the same right to a job as US citizens or legal immigrants, the ongoing sham of the Obama administration’s under-the-radar…


Cecilia Munzo, Director of Intergovermental Affairs, is the former senior vice president of La Raza.  Since her appointment in 2009, taxpayer dollars to the group have soared from $4.1 million to $11 million.   A large part of the money came…

Obama Funding America’s Destruction

Radio interview conducted by Mark Levin with Sue Payne of WCBM, Baltimore, MD. The clip sheds light on the White House strategy with regards to “amnesty” and introduces terms like “White House Task Force on New Americans”, “Receiving Communities” and…

Do You Feel Safe?

In a Project Veritas investigation released on Monday, August 11, 2014, James O’Keefe crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico to the United States disguised as Osama bin Laden.

Legalized, Not Prosecuted

(CNSNews.com) – The U.S. government not only failed to prosecute an illegal alien who stole the identity of his dead baby son—who had collected SSI before he died—but granted the father legal status to work in the United States.  This…

Asymmetrical warfare

Zack Taylor, retired border patrol officer talks about the immigration surge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnkSXosZhic Video courtesy of Little Bonanza Productions