Tag: immigration

Criminal Background Checks Racist for Blacks

Employers should not be fined or have a lawsuit brought against them for discrimination when government engages in the same activity. Are criminal background checks racist? That’s the startling new legal theory that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission unveiled this week…

The Great American Job Give-Away

Under the pretense of immigration reform, the high-tech industry is using Amnesty (S744) to push for unlimited numbers of workers, resulting in more unemployment and lower wages for all of America’s workers – regardless of their origin.  Our economy has…

A Dagger To the Heart For American Workers

The Heritage Foundation  cost analysis of the “bipartisan” amnesty bill set  a price tag of $6.3 trillion in new spending and entitlements. Over their lifetime, Heritage says, “newly legal immigrants would receive $9.4  trillion in government benefits  – including Social  Security…

Illegal Immigrants Help Foster Income Inequality

“An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all Republics.” Plutarch Economists point to three particularly important drivers of the recent trend in income inequality – off Shoring and immigration, both related to globalization trends…

Obama Promises to Push Gun Control

Obama Promises Mexicans to Push Gun Control in America   Obama said, “Most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States,” but what he didn’t mention is the Justice Department’s “Fast and Furious” gunrunning operation…

WhiteWashing Radical Islamic Terrorism

“A story that’s being pushed in the media, when the ISB is mentioned at all, is how  Tamerlan Tsarnaev was reputedly ‘kicked out of the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB) mosque for an angry tirade against the Imam for preaching a sermon telling…

Open Border Policy Is Deadly

“Bringing illicit drugs into a Muslim nation like Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Egypt will get you executed. Bring them into the US and we will read you your rights in the language of your choice, provide you with a lawyer,…