Day: July 28, 2012

Demonizing The American Dream

Democrats are working overtime to make Bain Capital the new “Halliburton.”   Though few people actually know what Halliburton is or how it functions,  after having been spoon fed the “facts?” by the drive-by media most think it is unquestionably evil…

Chicago Values Or Muslim Values?

Rahm Emanul has joined the chorus of the far left bigots who don’t mind Christians as long as they stay in their place. Chick-Fil-A, with only one location in Chicago, has been blocked from opening any more.  According to Emanuel, “Chick-Fil-A’s…

Common Core Quietly Implemented by Obama

Robert G. Holland – New standards for math and English called Common Core are poised to hit public schools across the nation. Some schools will begin implementing them as early as this fall, before parents have any inkling what has happened…

Liberals intent on imposing backdoor globalism

INHOFE AND DEMINT: U.N. treaties mean LOST U.S. sovereignty Washingtontimes – For years, liberals and misguided State Department officials have pushed for the U.S. Senate to ratify the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST). This treaty would convey ownership of…