Party of Obama-DNC 2-Hour Islamic ‘Jumah’ Prayers-No Christians Allowed

A Vote For Obama is a Vote for ISLAM!

The Democratic National Convention featuring Islamic “Jumah” prayers for two hours on the Friday of its convention  denied a Catholic cardinal’s request to say a prayer at the same event.

Their jummah (group) prayer is…about empowering their Islamist and MB sympathetic groups into the very fabric of the political system so that Americans become anesthetized.

This promotional video via the Bureau of Muslim Affairs,  claims it is hosting the event. At 2:04 a muezzin sings the call to prayer with an American flag background, and the video “picks up” considerably.

How insulting is this to the American people and the American Flag. What a disgrace to our Father in Heaven.

The Bureau of Indigenous Muslim Affairs (BIMA), said the purpose of the event is to hold political parties accountable for the issues faced by Muslim-Americans.

In particular, the event will target the Patriot Act, the NYPD, the National Defense Authorization Act, and anti-Shariah sentiment.

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, a devout Muslim and the Founder and President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, wrote:

The leaders of this event – Jibril Hough and Imam Siraj Wahhaj [are not] moderates. They are radicals. These individuals embrace Islamist supremacy and have demonstrated support for radical ideologies. source: theblaze

If this isn’t enough to wake up Obama voters, you have no reason to complain after the election when you have no freedoms left. You deserve exactly what you voted for.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; Just because you are a Democrat doesn’t mean you have to vote for your own demise. And just because some refer to Obama as an athlete, [because he plays golf], doesn’t mean you have to be an athletic supporter.

Our nation, our freedoms, our livelihood, Christian and other religious beliefs [except Islam] all depend on how you cast you vote.

I stand with God and Freedom – NOT Islam and slavery!

Democratic National Convention to Host Islamic Jumah Prayers with Jibril Hough, Siraj Wahhaj

Democratic National Convention to Host Islamic Jumah Prayers with Jibril Hough, Siraj Wahhaj



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