Day: April 11, 2013

The Great American Taxpayer Fleecing

Obama’s’ stimulus package was “supposedly” designed to create new shovel ready jobs.   It definitely would require a lot of shovelers to move all that manure. HHS spent $2.4 million on a Columbia study  of  how racism might affect the immune system. …

Gun Confiscation has started in NY

I wrote months ago if you were taking any type of medication which was being used for or could be prescribed for depression, you would lose your gun rights. This was the main reasons the Liar-in-Chief wanted your health records. Welcome…

Make your voice heard

Mychal Massie Sean Penn is applauded as a volatile actor. He is known for his deep respect for world leaders such as Hugo Chavez, the late Communist leader of Venezuela and the soon-to-be-late (many hope) Fidel Castro of Cuba. He…