Facts, Not Fantasy!

globalwarm1When the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power.” Alston Chase

At its heart, environmentalism hates capitalism. So, to understand all the talk of global warming, climate change you first must understand that everything and everyone involved in the deception, from heads of states to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and all those left-wing organizations pushing the scam  are engaged in a criminal enterprise to transfer billions from industrialized nations into the pockets of the world’s elite.

The 20th session of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change are meeting  in Peru during the first twelve days of December to try and find a consenses on how to screw wealthy Western nations  out of their wealth, with their faithful lapdog media in tow.

The AP began the latest assault with a wild and outrageous article, “Hotter, Weirder,” that claimed the “earth has gotten hotter, more polluted, more crowed and just downright wilder.” Then they asserted that “it’s almost a sure thing that 2014 will go down as the hottest year in 135 year. . .NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center says, if so, this will be the sixth time since 1992 that the world set or tied a new annual record for the warmest year.”

Would government agencies lie to the public? You bet your booty, without batting an eye! To borrow from Jonathan Gruber, the architect of ObamaCare, the government can tell “stupid” voters and others anything it wants in order to achieve its goals.

The earth is not warming,  it’s in a 19th year natural cooling cycle, the result of a comparable cycle in the sun which is producing less radiation to warm the planet. For the record, in 2013 and 2014, there have been record low numbers of tornadoes and hurricanes. There was a record gain in Arctic and Antarctic ice. There was no change in the rate of sea level rise, something measured in millimeters.

According to the AP and the 190 climate mafia stooges in Peru, carbon dioxide in cities increased 60%. If that were true, it would be good news because all vegetation on earth depends on C02, just as humans depend on oxygen. Fact:  More C02 means healthier forests and greater crop yields, an agricultural bonus in a world that needs to feed 7 billion people.   But, once again, climate mafia stooges and their lapdog journalist are filling your head with half-truths.

Fact:  According to the National Center for Public Policy Research in June, “the US already leads the world in C02 reductions; which fell 12.6% between 2005 and 2012, tanks to technology and conservation.  Worldwide, C02 emissions increased by 17.7% during the same period, which is still a far cry from 60%.  So, if the scare mongers are correct, during the last 7years as C02 has climbed worldwide, shouldn’t temperatures be off the chart instead of dropping?

And then there is that stand-by claim to scare coastal dwellers that the sea is rising. Fact: In the past couple of decades, satellite measurements have confirmed what geologists have long suspected: The sea is not rising, the land is sinking. The process is still something of a mystery, but geologists expect two main suspects. First there is the problem of groundwater withdrawal. Digging wells and drawing water from the ground have consequences. The earth compacts and the surface starts to sink, slowly, but noticeably. Then there is a post Ice Age phenomenon called “glacial isostatic adjustment.”  The earth’s surface is a lot like a yoga mat – it’s a thick crusty skin floating on squishy molten rock.  Step on a yoga mat and see how it bulges up near the edges. Remove your foot and look at how the places that had bulged are now sinking.

Another favorite scare tactic concerns the half-truth of the  West Antarctic glaciers and sea ice melting, citing NASA as documentation. Fact:   NASA fails to mention  that geothermal heat from the West Antarctic rift (part of that area’s tectonic plate system) is warming the ocean water, which in turn is causing the ice sheet to gradually melt faster than normal.

The UN Conference is nothing more than another concerted effort by the left to impose a global tax on “carbon” to increase the UN’s climate slush fund [and control over the earth’s resources] to which some nations have already pledged $9.3 billion. To put this into perspective, the US just set a new record of $18 trillion in debt and cannot afford to be pledging money to the UN climate slush fund to line some third world dictator’s pocket, but Obama will, just the same.

As early as 1922, the left was screaming that Arctic ice was melting, the oceans heating up, and ice bergs were melting killing off seals and fish. In 1923 the left was screaming that North America would disappear as far south as the Great Lakes, and huge parts of Asia and Europe would be wiped out with the coming ice age.  By the 60’s we were told that  millions would starve because the earth was overpopulated and the earth’s surface temperature would rise by 7 degrees Fahrenheit, rising the seal levels by 10 feet.

During the 1970s we were told that urban dwellers would be wearing gas masks to survive air pollution and by 1985 air pollution would reduce the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one-half. By the 1980s the worlds food supply would diminish enough to cause mass starvation throughout the world.  In ten years all important animal life in the sea would be extinct.  A Harvard biologist told us that civilization would end within 30 years unless immediate action was taken against global warming.
Another left-wing nut told us that by the year 2000 the UK would be only a small group of impoverished islands, inhabited by some 70 million hungry people.  An arctic specialist said that global warming was melting the polar ice cap and an ice-free Arctic Ocean was possible by 2000.

By the 1980s the UN was attempting to scare us with stories of rising seal levels, flooding and crop failures unless the world solved the “greenhouse” gas effect withinin 10 years.    During the 1990s we were told that the greenhouse effect would desolate the heartlands of North America and Eurasia with drought, crop failures and foot riots.  By 1996 the Platte River in Nebraska would be dry.  And my favorite – the Mexican police will be founding up illegal American migrants suringing into Mexico seeking work as field hands.

Beginning in  2000 we were warned that British and American oil would diminish to a trickle.  The rainforest would be gone and we has only 5000 days to save the plant. There will be a permanent El Nino, snow will cease to exist and the North Pole will evaporate and completely disappear by  2008, along with polar bears, and the seals, etc.

Climate change is what the 4.5 billion year old earth has been doing since creation and will continue to do until oblivion.

Comedian George Carlin said it best:  “We’re so self-important.  Everybody’s going to save something now.  Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails.  And the greatest arrogance of all, save the planet…I’m tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is that there aren’t enough bicycle paths. . .The planet has been through a lot worse than us.  Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the matnetic reversal of the poles…hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floords, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages….The planet isn’t going anywhere, WE ARE!….The planet will be here for a long time after we’re gone and it will heal itself, it will cleanse itself, it’s a self-correcting system….”

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