Tag: united nations

Consumption Is Now A Dirty Word

Remember Klaus Schwab warning us last year that they were preparing the Great Reset which was part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and that the entire global paradigm upon which this sin-cursed and fallen world sits was going to radically…

Sovereignty or Submission?

“In the next century nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single global authority and realize national sovereignty wasn’t such a great deal after all.”   Strobe Talbott, Deputy Secretary of State under Bill Clinton …

Yawn! UN Predicts Another Armageddon

Just when you have a glimmer of hope that the United Nations had given up on demanding vast sums of money and repressive bureaucratic control  to combat global Armageddon that exist only in the virtual world of computer models,  they…

Beware The Dangers of 5G

The crime scene was straight out of an Alfred Hitchcock movie. One hundred and fifty dead birds lay sprawled on the ground, fallen out of trees in a park in The Hague, Netherlands. And it wasn’t the first time it…

The Return of the Homosexual Imperialists

It’s one thing to defend President Trump against false witness by the magazine Christianity Today. It’s another matter to rationalize or excuse how certain Trump officials are using the United Nations and the State Department to attack Christian nations.​The controversial…

Killing Cash

“Cash is problematic to banks. It is expensive to manage, hard to take from customers and, worst of all, it is a possible gaping wound, if a bank run occurs. In a world without cash, customers would be forced to…

Culture of Death: Population Control

Government  would have you believe that as a civilized society we no longer practice nor preach Eugenics, but the truth of the matter is, it still exists – buried under a mountain of double talk and political correctness. Today we…

The Population Bust

Contrary to what the United Nations and the world’s elite have been preaching for decades, we are not overbreeding the earth’s resources. Just two years ago Warren Sanderson, professor of economics and history at State University of New York at…

Insanity on Steriods

In his Encyclical on the environment released earlier  in 2015  Pope Francis  highlighted that a “throwaway culture” harms both social and physical ecology.   “When we fail to acknowledge as part of reality the worth of a poor person, a human embryo,…

So the UN Doesn’t Want Your Guns?

“Gone long ago is the time when we Europeans could subdue other continents because we had firearms and the local peoples had not. In 1999 it was reported that an AK-47 assault rifle could be bought in Uganda for the…

Treason From Within

“Every man, when he is oppressed and disarmed, may still imagine that, while he yields in obedience, it is to himself he yields it. . .It is in vain to summon a people who have been rendered so dependent on…

Jim Crow Rides Again

Less than a hundred years ago, there were laws in many states and localities — not just southern ones, by any means — maliciously written, passed, and enforced for no other reason than to make living just as difficult as…

Global Migration Hell

The UN Migration Pact, officially named the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, represents a catastrophic dismantling of key components of democratic institutions by the United Nations, a body that has increasingly allied with the Organization of Islamic…

A World Without Borders Is A Fantasy

Driving the growing populist outrage in Europe and North America is the global push for a  world without borders.   While the world’s elite  can build walls or switch zip codes to insulate themselves from the consequences of allowing anyone and…