Ten Illusions and Realities

Reality Green Road Sign Over Clouds

1. The left illusion: We work for the way the world should be.

The right reality: “No future can guarantee my present, my present must guarantee my future.” E. Stanley Jones

2. The left illusion: Morality is a social construct.

The right reality: The universal law of cause and effect is the basis of morality.

3. The left illusion: Inequality is unjust.

The right reality: Inequality is truthfulness.

4. The left illusion: Life is tragic and purposeless.

The right reality: “Life is not a problem to be solved but an experience to be lived.” Soren Kierkegaard

5. The left illusion: No one should rule over the will of the majority.

The right reality: The tyranny of the majority is no improvement over the tyranny of potentates.

6. The left illusion: The greatest personal freedom is anarchy.

The right reality: The greatest personal freedom is blaming no one else for one’s failures.


7. The left illusion: ‘No one is above the law’ is discriminatory towards those who break the law.

The right reality: When the law ‘no one is above the law’ is broken, discrimination is all there is.

8. The left illusion: There are multiple truths in every situation.

The right reality: The first truth is solitary; to be or not to be.

9. The left illusion: The greatest personal freedom is freedom from scarcity.

The right reality: The greatest personal freedom is deliberate simplicity.

10. The left illusion: There is no god.

  The right reality: God is love.
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