Month: May 2019

The Religion of Ecology

Does the immense, awe-inspiring improvement in human life brought about by what radical environmentalist call despoiling the planet not count for anything? Apparently not, at least not since the world’s elite discovered the road to personal wealth and power through…

Is God In The Destructive Storms?

BOISE, ID 5/28/19-Yesterday a small tornado touched down near Mountain Home, Idaho, which is very unusual. Tornados in Idaho are infrequent and have a very low velocity. Is that changing? The one yesterday did no damage. However, beginning in the…

Why the Gun is Civilization

Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding…

Imagine A Socialist USA

The polar ice caps are melting, hurricanes are ravishing the planet, the earth’s population is threatened by catastrophic climate change, millions of American jobs have been sent overseas and aren’t coming back, the oceans are rising, and millions of species…

Seven Varieties of Gun Control Advocate

The right of decent private citizens to personally possess, transport, and responsibly use arms without government interference is the ultimate freedom and the main pillar supporting all other liberties. Few cultures have allowed their general population access to weapons, the…

A Blueprint for Ending Gun Control

WARNING! If you’re the kind of self-defense advocate who actually believes in doing something, it’s likely that you’ll find this article interesting and useful. If, however, you’d rather complain than act, if you believe “we can live with” whatever unconstitutional…

Mary Magdalene, the Film

Mary Magdalene, a film by Garth Davis, skulked into American theaters in April of this year.  It is a revisionist film with a decidedly feminist subtext attacking Peter and the early Church, that spends two hours relating a story about…

A Tale of Two Revolutions

Could a contrast between the American Revolution and the French Revolution be relevant to today’s conflicts? I think so. The attempt to demote historic icons, like George Washington, is a case in point. George Washington grew up as a gentleman…

The Fight for Free Speech

While President Donald Trump is producing tremendous results for the United States economy, some left-wing analysts expect him to actually lose the 2020 election. According to polls by liberal media outlets CNN and Morning Consult/Politico, former Vice President Joe Biden is comfortably ahead…

Criminals Don’t Obey Laws

“Making something illegal doesn’t necessarily make it stop happening.  If a law is designed to prevent an act which is already illegal and carries a greater penalty than the proposed law, then that law will only be followed by the…