Month: March 2020

The Day the Earth Stood Still

Isn’t it amazing how so much of our world has changed so dramatically, almost overnight? How the new normal has suddenly replaced the old normal? How everything is in a state of flux? All this makes us realize how some…

The Resurrection Tomb

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, located in the city of Jerusalem, is the “traditional” site of the tomb of Jesus, identified by the mother of Constantine (Queen Helena) some 300 years after the death and resurrection of Christ.  Unfortunately, the…

Cultural and Moral Instability

Man does not live on bread alone; man is, as the ancients knew, a social animal. However, the great revelation of Christian anthropology is that man is also a cultural animal. The word culture is rooted in the Latin word…

Gun Control Costs Lives in Ohio

Ohio State Flag In Ohio, about one out of 18 citizens have a permit to carry a concealed firearm in public. That says quite a lot since a noticeable number of Ohio citizens are not eligible for a permit. Those…

Creation Is The Art of God

A number of recent books and articles claim that science has disproved the very existence of God.  It stands to reason that since we know so much about how the universe works – they insist God is unnecessary. There is…

Be Sure To Thank Your Liberal Neighbors

Elections have consequences and in Virginia those consequences will cut deeply into your pocket book. There are at least 16 bills approved by the 2020 General Assembly which create new taxes or raise existing taxes. If anybody would or could…

Disguising Marxist Ideology as Christian

Many Christians wonder why America’s mainline denominations so frequently seem to support leftist organizations.   The answer is simple –   many of these mainline churches, at least the leadership, have virtually become leftist organizations under the umbrella group, The National…

The Destruction of Gender

Gender theorists want to challenge all the assumptions about masculinity and femininity upon which a great many social arrangements are based.  And they want your children to be indoctrinated in the latest gender fads as soon as they enter school.…