The Mystery of Life?

No sufficient evidence exists to support the blind belief that life came from non-life, much less life that is equipped with an operating program, genetic information and the ability to reproduce itself.

The fossil record proclaimed by many to be decisive proof of evolution is nonexistent. If evolution happened there would have to be fossil evidence of transitional fossils between the supposed common ancestors of all species on the planet. That fossil record is nonexistent according to Stephen Jay Gould, a well-known Harvard evolutionary paleontologist, who explained that the “absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages between major transitions in organic design, indeed our inability, even in our imagination, to construct functional intermediates in many cases, has been a persistent and nagging problem for gradualistic accounts of evolution.”

After a century of searching for homo fossils, an evolutionary scientist admitted several years ago that the “fossils that decorate our family tree are so scarce that there are still more scientists than specimens. In fact, all the physical evidence we have for human evolution can still be placed, with room to spare, inside a single coffin.”

There has been a parade of human evolution blunders and hoaxes foisted upon the world. For example:  Java Man was found to have been erroneously based on the skull cap of a gibbon and fossilized teeth and thigh bone of a modern human.  Piltdown Man was found to be a forgery using a modified orangutan jawbone and a portion of a modern human skull.  Nebraska Man, based on a single tooth which was later identified to be from a wild pig.  Orce Man was based on a skull cap found to be from a donkey.  Java Man 2 was based on the kneecap of an elephant.  Southwestern Colorado Man was based on teeth from an antique horse.  Hobbit Man was recently shown to be a mere human, possibly suffering from Down Syndrome. And the list goes on.

Even without the fossil record could we be overlooking other evidence?

Vestigial organs, once thought by many evolutionists to be virtually useless leftovers from previous species in the human evolutionary ancestry, are still listed among the alleged evidence for human evolution in most textbooks even though they have been shown to be useful components of modern man.  Evolutionists attempted to cover this blunder by updating their theory with a new explanation.

“When a trait is no longer used or becomes reduced, the genes that make it don’t instantly disappear from the genome.  Evolution stops their action by inactivating them.”  In other words, science should be looking for vestigial genes. Unfortunately, that theory also hit hard times.

In the Myth of Junk DNA, Jonathan Wells, a molecular and cell biologist at the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute, cites several prominent evolutionists who use the Junk DNA argument and disputes their theory with a virtual flood of evidence.  According to Wells, “much of the DNA they claim to be junk actually performs important functions in living cells,” and proves his point with hundreds of scientific articles.

The Human-Chimp Chromosome Fusion is also erroneous evidence.  Humans have 46 chromosomes and apes 48. Evolutionists claim that Chromosome 2 is a hybrid of two different ape chromosomes to push the theory that humans evolved from a common ancestor with apes.  They argue that Chromosome 2 appears to be an “end-to-end” fusion of two small, ape-like chromosomes, forming one human chromosome which explains why we have 46 (23 pairs) and apes 48 (24 pairs).

Unfortunately, geneticists have discovered that the alleged fusion site is in the wrong location for it to have occurred and that DNA sequences between chimps and humans doesn’t match at the fusion site.  In other words -Human-chimp chromosome fusion did not happen.

Jonathan Marks, evolutionary anthropologist, geneticist, and professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte warns of the danger of reading too much into the DNA similarities between chimps and humans. He explains in his book, What it Means to Be 98% Chimpanzee, that comparisons of DNA sequence are like comparing two side-by-side lines of people, only counting the order in which men and women appear in the lines, without consideration for any distinguishing characteristics of those men and women.

Geneticists also warn that DNA comparisons also fail to account for human DNA contamination that is common in sequencing.  Accounting for these issues, the human-chimp DNA similarity is roughly 84%, not 98-99%.

Beginning in the 1980s, evolutionary scientists claimed to have proven that all humans could trace their genetic ancestry back to a single woman in Africa that lived 180,000 to 200,000 years ago.  In order to estimate when this woman lived, evolutionists estimated a mutation rate, not using actual data, but an assumed evolutionary timescale.  If they had used the actual, observed rate that human mitochondria mutate and the actual average number of mitochondrial mutations that are in humans, they could have calculated a more likely estimate for when this woman lived – less than 10,000 years.

Source:  Does the Evidence Really Support Human Evolution? Part I and Part 2 by Jeff Miller, Ph.D., Apologetics Press; The Missing Link is Still Missing, FC Patriots; Evolution Is Not a Fact of Science, FC Patriots; Orphan Genes Defy Evolution Theory by FC Patriots.

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