Category: Constitution

At The Corner of Debt and Implosion

The great enemy of freedom is the alignment of political power with wealth.  This alignment destroys the natural wealth of localities, the local economies of households, neighborhoods and communities and so destroys democracy…” Wendell Berry The GDP first quarter growth…

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Political Psychopaths

I’ve come to the conclusion that there is no difference between psychopaths and the majority of politicians.  Both have a tendency to be selfish, callous, remorseless users of others, irresponsible, pathological liars, glib, con artists, lacking in remorse.  There is…

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The Plot to Demonize Christians

Religious freedom is a nation’s strongest guarantee against tyranny.  It is also the first target that tyrants attack.  The more they succeed in destroying Christianity and the freedoms guaranteed thereto by the First Amendment, the more they succeed in ending…

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Rebel, Revolutionary or Slave?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” John F. Kennedy When a parasitical government muzzles the citizenry, herds them, brands them, whips them into submission, forces them to ante up the sweat of their brow while…

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Why Does the Left Hate RFK, Jr.?

Robert Kennedy, Jr. testified before a House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government hearing on Thursday, July 20, 2023.  The Committee is investigating claims that conservatives and others are being unfairly targeted for censorship. Democrats, of…

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It’s the Nature of the Beast

It is the function of mass agitation to exploit all the grievances, hopes, aspirations, prejudices, fears, and ideals of all the special groups that make up our society, social, religious, economic, racial, and political. Stir them up. Set one against…

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Draining the Swamp

The government has grown to a behemoth that would be unrecognizable to the Founders. In his book, You Report to Me, David L. Bernhardt gives a first person account of how the bureaucratic swamp works; an expose of the administrative…

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The Evils of Corruption

“There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men.”  Ludwig von Mises We cannot dismiss the many evils of the FBI and the Deep State as everyday partisan politics.  It’s far worse…

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2nd Amendment Rights Under Seige

Taking a page straight out of 1984, Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary changed the definition of assault rifle to fit pro-gun control talking points by adding “a rifle that resembles a military assault rifle but is designed to allow only semiautomatic fire.”…

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Christianity Must Die for the Woke to Prevail

As the civilization forged by Christianity totters, the quality of those called upon to defend it deteriorates. On August 24, 2019, the Democratic National Committee passed a resolution that celebrates the role of non-Christians in the Democratic Party while attacking…

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The Goodists

The late firebrand Oriana Fallaci coined the term “Goodists” for those who employ politics as a means of self-congratulation. Goodists, writes Bret Stephens, put a higher premium on their moral intentions than the efficacy of their actions . . .…

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Ignorance Is Not Bliss

The Declaration of North America (DNA) agreement, between the U.S., Mexico and Canada, is another left-wing, America Last compact that is riddled with woke, collectivist bias, diversity, equity, and inclusion as its framework to tackle education, national security, migration, climate…

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Stifling the Debate

As with misinformation, labeling someone who disagrees with the current flavor of the day as a denier has become endemic amongst the woke. Covid denier, climate denier, election denier, science denier – all bandied about to end debate, tar differences…

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Guns Aren’t the Issue!

“Most gun control arguments miss the point. If all control boils fundamentally to force, how can one resist aggression without equal force? How can a truly “free” state exist if the individual citizen is enslaved to the forceful will of…

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What Makes an American?

The problem of immigration isn’t that some in-comers don’t have government paperwork. Most of our ancestors didn’t. The problem is that too many migrants, and too many native-born Americans don’t have a clue. What are the qualities of an American,…

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